Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 11:43:07 -0500 From: "Eric Zeno" Subject: AC RETROFIT R12 to R134a VANAGON AIRCONDITIONING RETOFITTING R12 SYSTEMS TO R134A SYSTEMS MODEL: 1985-1992 This infomation came from Mitchell international 1995 data Cautions: Part numbers for reference only. check with your parts dept. for latest info. Always use seperate refrigerant recovery, recycling recharging and etc. equipment. Damage to equipment will result. Do not blow compressed air and nitrogen through the compressor or expansion valve. Refrigerant circuits retrofittied to use R134a must not be rinsed with R12. Always replace receiver drier if refrigerant circuit is left open. Due to residual amounts of mineral based refrigerant oil in systems retrofitted the newly installed PAG refrigerant oil will discolor immediately after use. This is normal does not indicate a refigerant related fault. PARTS REQUIRED: PAG refrigerant oil- Vanagon 240 cc(8 fl oz) Part No. G 052 100 A2 Vanagon Eurovan 135 cc(4.5 fl oz) Part No. G 052 154 A2 EuroVan Adapter/Label kit Part No. 357 820 794 This is just adapers to the high and low press service valves. Receiver drier Vanagon up to 24 G 075000: 253 260 633 D from 24 G 075001: 253 260 633 E Eurovan 701 260 191 E O-rings Receiver drier 803 260 749 (Canada Eurovan) 803 820 749A O-rings compressor Vanagon 253 260 749 Eurovan 803 260 749 B Refrigerant R134a Vanagon 1350 g (47.6 oz) EuroVan 950 g (33.5 oz) All part numbers for reference only PROCEDURE: -- Discharge and capture refrigerant R12 using appropriate equipment. -- Evacuate system to remove any R12 contaminants. -- Remove compressor, unscrew oil drain plug and drain refrigerant oil. -- Replace defective components. Add PAG oil directly to new system component, as per the following chart. Never exceed the total system oil capacity. Condenser 0 cc Evaporator 60 cc (2 fl oz) Receiver Drier 10 cc (.3 fl oz) High Pressure Hose 10 cc (.3 fl oz) Low Pressure Hose 10 cc (.3 fl oz) Vanagon Total System Oil 240 cc (8 fl oz) Eurovan 1 comp. Total System Oil 135 cc (4.5 fl oz) -- Refill compressor, with remaining amount of PAG oil to equal the total system oil, and install with new o-ring seals. -- Replace receiver drier. Use new o-ring seals. -- Install correct R-134a service valve, from adaper kit. high pressure- 3/8" thread low pressure- 7/16" thread -- Evacuate system for a minimum of 30 minutes. -- Charge system with refrigerant R134a. -- Perform a/c system quality check and leak test. -- Install new R134a adhesive labels over R12 labels. A personal note: That's all there is to it in a Vanagon. I have installed AC in a few autos but have not tried a R134 conversion yet. It sounds to easy to be true. But to the best of my knowledge the source of this infomation is very reliable. If anyone gives this a try please Email me with the results. ERic ZEno P.S. As I uploaded this file my secretary handed me my mail with info on FRIGG FR12. Form Fit and Function compatable with R12 HUmmm????