Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 06:38:48 EDT
Reply-To: kenneth d lewis <kdlewis@JUNO.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: kenneth d lewis <kdlewis@JUNO.COM>
Subject: Re: Mold in ducts.
Wouldn't you smell the anti-freeze?
Drive Safely & Good Luck
Ken Lewis<Kernersville,NC>86 VW crewcab;60 T-5 Coupe
On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 23:21:09 -0400 "Dennis Haynes"
<> writes:
>I'd bet you have a leaky heater core. The heating ducts very rarely
>moldy. Mold needs moisture and food. Antifreeze vapors are extremely
>and some can not smell it but they are effected just the same.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: kenneth d lewis <kdlewis@JUNO.COM>
>Date: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 9:47 PM
>Subject: Re: Mold in ducts.
>> My wife and I were just discussing that only moments ago. I
>>thinking about a bleach solution propelled by a cool mist humidifier.
>>it in front of the van and turn on the heater fan to pull it through
>>duct work. Maybe a plastic sheet over the seats.
>> The kids say they get a headache whenever the heater is used.
>>suspect mold spores even though we have had a dry spring so far.
>>Drive Safely & Good Luck
>>Ken Lewis<Kernersville,NC>86 VW crewcab;60 T-5 Coupe
>>On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 15:12:37 EDT writes:
>>>How about bleach in water? This is great for mold normally. I
>>>know if
>>>it would discolor the ducts though.
>>>Ken Wilford
>>>John 3:16
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