Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 02:54:16 -0700
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: Bulley Rags Diesels in America?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Der Motor von ihres Auto braucht Justierung (motor of your car needs adjustment) -
said my highly respected teacher Hieronimus Joachim Hubertus Freiherr von Kreuznach
und zu Puttlitz in his heavy German. This man is fascinating! Ark
Mark Gajewski wrote:
> Bulley wrote:
> > The TDI, with its remarkable efficiency, clean burn, and quiet nature is
> > already beginning to supplant the gasoline engine in some applications....
> > TDI's don't belch soot, or make noise. Clean and smooth. Inexpensive fuel.
> > Low maintenance. The locomotion power plant for the next 20-30 years. Drive
> > one and see.
> >
> As a TDI passat owner I think Bulley has hit the nail on the head (as usual).
> However, his statement that TDI's don't belch smoke is not entirely accurate.
> At idle and in normal driving you will see no smoke...Zero.....However, if you
> step down a bit (3/4 throttle or more) and let the motor rev. above 3000rpm
> (redline is 4500rpm, 75mph is about 2600rpm I believe) you will produce a
> tremendous cloud of smoke. Try full throttle, revving it out while
> accelerating up a hill and cars behind you will drop back to get out of your
> smoke screen. The TDI is a wonderful motor and at 45mpg in a big, heavy car it
> simply must be less harmful to our environment than a 20mpg gasoline
> motor....the fact is a lot of people these days are claiming horrible things
> about diesel soot and if nothing else it just looks bad. Whether or not the
> soot is truly harmful to humans or to the environment, the people making these
> decisions for us apparently don't like diesel smoke and if VW (or any auto
> company) wants to keep selling diesels in the US they better figure out how to
> eliminate smoke under all conditions. California's master air quality plan
> calls for complete elimination of diesels in the coming years. From my point
> of view this is a tragedy because I find it hard to believe that any solution
> is better than people getting 45mpg without giving up anything with regards to
> day to day performance and driving satisfaction.
> Mark