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Date:         Thu, 5 Nov 1998 09:34:34 -0500
Reply-To:     Robert Rountree <rountree@PLANETEER.COM>
Sender:       Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:         Robert Rountree <rountree@PLANETEER.COM>
Subject:      Re: Open container (alcohol) law & the Westy????
Comments: To: vanagon@VANAGON.COM
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

-----Original Message----- From: Per Lindgren >Here in Norway,......... can be >charged with attempted drunk driving if you seat yourself behind the wheel with too >much alcohol in your veins, and get caught by the police, even if you didn't intend to >drive.

I have a director friend who went to a party..... got a bit carried away...went out and crashed in the BACK seat of his Audi... in the driveway (not on the road)... The police were called to the party... found him drunk...and this is the KEY part... He had his KEYS in his pocket... they charged him... in court they said if he had put the keys in his glovebox or trunk... they couldn't do anything... but he was charged with attempted impaired driving (he didn't hurt anyone.. in fact he did the right thing)....this whole Idea of ATTEMPTED anything gets a little scary for me.... If I look sideways at your wife .... am I attempting something?.....when I'm siting up high in my Westy and Pamela Anderson in a mini skirt pulls up on my left in her Miata and I happen to look down at her....????.....Yes officer me and Jimmy Carter both need some social zealots to spank us real gooood.... back to drinking..... In Canada... you'll see on Westies a RED circle decal, just under the drivers door, It says "CSA (Canada Standards Assoc.) Motor Home Z240" and basically you can do whatever you do in your home (if you get to do anything fun at home).... except for the driver (they are still under the highway traffic act)... and In CDN, ALL occupants have to wear seatbelts in a moving vehicle.... of course these laws are flexibly followed/enforced...... it's just common sense.... DON'T drink & drive ...PULL over often when you are going to slow and don't act stupid when confronted by authority.. Oh and most important... if you are coming to CDN... DON'T bring a gun....the law for even having a gun in CDN is worst than robbing a 7-11... and if you get searched (which they can do at any time) don't complain or you'll be charged with obstructing justice... and if they find that little personal protector (so loved by Yanks) you'll be in really BIG trouble.... In CDN they are putting in place a law that will make every person register (read TAX) ANY firearm... this includes, Farmers & Natives ... NO you will not be able to protect yourself from bears or feed yourself & Tribe... For years Canadians have been very law abiding people.... for some reason now a large group of urban socialist want to change all that.... and they don't understand that once you MAKE people break a law.... it's a slippery slope from there on.... once you start hiding stuff... what else will you start doing....(hiding taxes, profits, pollution?)... I know a little off topic... but I haven't gotten my bus license this week so this will have to do;^) Rob 87 Westy SyncroGL.....Cynosure (slip&drip)

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