Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 21:28:11 CDT
Reply-To: Joel Walker <JWALKER@UA1VM.UA.EDU>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Joel Walker <JWALKER@UA1VM.UA.EDU>
Subject: Re: Rear seat belt in 1985
In-Reply-To: Message of Sun, 17 May 1998 21:31:29 -0400 from
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
and in case someone wants to put a center seat shoulder belt in ...
From Service Bulletins, Model Year 1991
Technical Information
Group: 68
Number: 91-04
Date: April 30, 1991
Subject: Automatic 3-Point Left Center Seat Belt, Retrofit Installation
Model(s): All Vanagon w/ center seat, EXCEPT Camper/Multivan
1980-1989 Model Years
* Part numbers are for reference only. Always check with your Parts *
* Department for latest information. *
Part Number Description Quantity
------------ ----------------------------------- --------
253 857 811D 3-point seat belt (left side) 1
Check with your Parts Department for additional installation parts.
* remove rear seat back
* remove rear seat bottom
* remove original left center belt
* remove rear left side panel trim
<this is the triangular trim panel just below the forward edge of
the rearmost left side window>
* measure location of belt retractor, belt guide, and mounting holes,
using dimensions on page 3
* cut panel as required
* reinstall trim panel
* install seat belt retractor on outside of panel, as shown
-> 40 Nm (30 ft lb)
-> hand tighten forward bolt only
* locate, by feel, threaded hole in C-pillar (arrow) for belt guide
<diagram seems to indicate a point about 5-6 inches from the top
edge of the side windows, in the middle of the C-pillar>
* cut C-Pillar trim from threaded hole, install belt guide D-ring
-> 40 Nm (30 ft lb)
* install anchor of 3-point belt into forward mounting hole of
retractor bracket (arrow A)
-> 40 Nm (30 ft lb)
<diagram shows this to be at the very bottom front edge of the
trim panel, almost at the floor level>
* align bracket for betls, reinstall rear seat bottom and belts
* reinstall rear seatback
* install new buckle for 3-point belt
* check seat belt for proper function
Automatic left center | | | |
3-point seat belt, | | | |
retrofit installation | Diag. | | Quality |
(left side only) | Check | Repair | Check |
Labor Op. 6876311 | -- | 150 T.U.| -- |
<which seems to say that the vw dealer will charge you two and one half
hours labor plus parts.>
Top Front of Vehicle -->
Rear Left side trim panel
_________ _________________|__________
| 67mm | | 38mm
|(2-5/8in)| | (1-1/2in)
\ |_________|_________________|_____:________
\ | .
\ < 102mm > | .
>\ 31mm< hole (4in) | .
---\-- () 22mm __________ _______._ | 442mm
. \ . | | . | (17-3/8in)
. \ . | 118mm | 327mm | .
. \ | (4-5/8in)| (12-7/8in) | .
. \ _._|__________|._ . | .
. \ . . . | .
. \ . . . ()--------.--(hole 22mm)
. \ 245mm 216mm . > 31mm|< . (7/8in)
298mm \ (9-5/8in) (8-1/2in) . | . .
(11-3/4in) \ . . . | 203mm .
. \ . . . | (8-1/8in) .
. \ . . . | . .
.____________ \_._____________.______.__________| ___._______._
........................................ end ...........................
that is, the dimension of the bottom hole is 118mm x 102mm (4-5/8in x
4in). but the front edge of the hole is 216mm (8-1/2in) above the
bottom edge of the trim panel, while the rear edge of the hole is
245mm (9-5/8in) from that same edge. that is, the hole is slightly
tilted. the upper hole is 67mm x 38mm (2-5/8in x 1-1/2in) and appears
also to be slightly tilted. the upper hole has its bottom front edge
442mm (17-3/8in) from the bottom edge of the trim panel.
notice that the instructions do NOT say anything about those two 22mm
(7/8in) holes. both are 31mm (1-1/4in) from the closest edge of the trim
panel. the lower of the two is 203mm (8-1/8in) from the bottom edge,
while the upper of the two holes is 298mm (11-3/4in) above that same
bottom edge.
i have no idea what those holes are supposed to be used for.