Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 12:39:13 EDT
Reply-To: Blbachman <Blbachman@AOL.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Blbachman <Blbachman@AOL.COM>
Subject: I'm back, fire extinguishers, tents, and....
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Not that any of you care, but I finally got around to re-subscribing, and it's
nice to be back.
Q: regarding fire extinguishers in a Westfalia (still can't bring myself to
type that cutesy other word): I purchased and installed a rear facing theater
seat behind the passenger which necessitated removing the F.E. In so doing, I
reasoned that the little one would be of marginal use, so I wend out and
bought a 10lb Kidde. Now I'm looking for a slick place/method for mounting it
somewhere where it's not in the way, but not buried either. Any ideas?
TENTS: I got greedy last summer and bought two "circus" tents - I really
ought to sell one of them, so I'll entertain inquiries on one for somewhere in
the $300-400 range. NOT SHOW QUALITY, but in good repair for CAMPING. (and
If anyone wants to trade me a Reimo for the second Westfalia tent, write.)
Dometic: After an exciting fire (the cooling fan motor shorted and caught the
plastic blades on fire, almost setting fire to the inside of the van - see the
archives for a complete narrative), I added two large "muffin" fans to the
back of the fridge, and the small "matchbook" fan to the inside. My problem
is that after only a few hours, the little fan refuses to run - it's not bound
up, but just dead. Is there some "field" associated with the inside fins that
confuses the motor? I've had two die in this manner.
Names, Licence Plates, etc.: I used to call my silver '91 "Super Chief", and
even considered painting a red Santa Fe "Warbonnet" on the cab. I've since
gone back to an interest in European Trains and realized that the car looks a
lot like a Swiss Re4/4 (IV) electric loco - so I now have a license plate
which reads:
The plus is the little New Mexico "Zia" or sun symbol. The initials are two
of the three official acronyms for the Swiss Federal Railways.
I'm thinking about putting a pantograph (overhead wire current collector) on
the luggage rack and a third high mounted light on the front. (Okay, so if
you're not some kind of a nut or another, stand up!)
-Blaine Bachman
'91 Silver Westfalia (still researching a name)