Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 02:29:09 -0500
Reply-To: Budd Premack <bpremack@WAVETECH.NET>
Sender: Vanagon mailing list <Vanagon@Gerry.SDSC.EDU>
From: Budd Premack <bpremack@WAVETECH.NET>
Subject: Fw: Rear ended 83 Watercooled; Totalled what to do?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Budd Premack
86 Syncro, 84 Vanagon, 73 Super
Minneapolis, MN
> From: Budd Premack <>
> To: Alan S Gondry <alangondry@JUNO.COM>
> Subject: Re: Rear ended 83 Watercooled; Totalled what to do?
> Date: Wednesday, October 22, 1997 2:25 AM
> Alan,
> Tough luck, but make the best of it. Take the $ and buy it back from the
> insurance company for scrap value, which they will probably figure is $
> 100.
> Don't take their first offer unless you feel it is exceptionally fair.
> will cost them to dispute anything with you, so you do have some
> power. But be nice; you are dealing with people who are used to being
> beset by angry insureds, and they tend to cooperate more if you are
> friendly.
> Once you have the $ and the van, you can then decide how to proceed. If
> the van is reasonably salvageable, was in good shape to start with, and
> want to keep it, look at all repair options. Remenber that you generally
> can save lots of $ if you aren't in too much of a hurry. Use the wisdom
> and good graces of the list to assist you.
> If the van is too far gone, then you can keep it for parts, after you get
> your replacement from those great for sale posts on the list. (Just last
> week, there was a wonderful sounding 84 in W VA that was begging to be
> taken for $ 1400. If you can't find it, contact me and I think I can
> it up, or you can post to the list, and someone will have the info.)
> Your e-mail address seems to indicate that you are in Boston. I have
> good things (from the LIMBO newsletter) about Boston Engine. They may be
> helpful local source. Also, there is currently a list member in Boston
> offering a 87 Syncro for $ 5,000. That may be tempting.
> Remember, if all you have is a lemon, squeeze it to mix with water to
> lemonade, and use the seeds to plant a tree for the future.
> Good luck. Let me know what you decide to do.
> BTW, the above comments come from hard earned experience, and they will
> work.
> Budd Premack
> 86 Syncro, 84 Vanagon, 73 Super
> Minneapolis, MN