Date: Thu, 05 Jun 1997 17:33:10 -0500
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: "Steven E. Broomhead, Sr." <>
Subject: Re: it is a puzzlement ... :)
<P>You were very close to reason with your statement #4. But the
wild and crazy drivers are the ones who drive CAMPERS!! Every weekend
and at least two weeks each year they go off to the rugged campsites.
This causes a great deal of stress and strain on the ol' noggin.
In a very short time, even sooner with the coupla thousand brewskies consumed
each Saturday and each Sundy, you lose all power to read an insurance form.
Those money-grubbin' companies know when you are most vunerable!!
; )
<P>Keep a clear head and a keen eye.
<BR><TT>Steven E. Broomhead, Sr.</TT>
<BR><TT> "I am not Slow, but I am /__|| ||
|| '82 Diesel->Gas</TT>
| |
<P>Joel Walker wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>well, i got my update from the insurance company,
for adding the 87 camper
<BR>.. and an interesting quirk appeared. it seems that i get an $10.22
<BR>discount/six-months on my 88 non-camper for vehicle safety reasons
<BR>it's a "safe" bus to them because of low injuries), but the 87 camper
<BR>NOT rate the same discount. go figure.
<P>the only reasons i can come up with are:
<BR>- bumpers? nah. both have wimpy bumpers.
<BR>- camper stuff?? extra weight means longer stopping distances and more
<BR> tendency to fall over in parking lots?? :) hmmmm. maybe.
<BR>- more 87's sold (see the Weakly Statz) and therefore more risk to
<BR> insurance company? hmmmmm. probably. they do everything
based on their
<BR> own little statistics.
<BR>- most Syncros were 87's and that inflates the numbers of 87's out
<BR> in Insurance-Land, and we all know how reckless and wild those
<BR> driver's are!! smashing and crashing into trees and rocks ...
<BR> claiming it musta been a hit-and-run shopping cart at Wal-Mart.
<P>that's all i could think of ... as far as i can tell, there are NOT
<BR>differences in the model years to warrant such prejudice by the insurance
<BR>company ... but they do make the difference.
<P>anybody else have a camper and a non-camper, and have a difference in
<BR>insurance rates (except for the miles-driven stuff)???