Date: Tue, 26 Sep 95 22:44:51 CDT
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Joel Walker <>
Subject: Re: EXTREME DANGER (was: Aluma-Seal Confessions)
On Tue, 26 Sep 1995 17:47:00 EST <William R. Kennedy, NJIT CIAT, 201-596-5648@UA
>This thermite thread sounds like the one likeliest to get the Vanagon list
>onto the front page of the New York Times. Heck knows Syncro CVs aren't
>going to do it.
wouldn't that be sooooo typical??
New York (AP) - Today, in one of the largest cities on the face of this
rapidly dying planet, a lone crazed Volkswagen Vanagon (a type of VW bus
used by hippy radicals during the 1980's) was reportedly seen sprinkling
aluminum (aluminium, to you non-USers) near the Service Departments of
several local area Volkswagen dealerships.
"He wuz, like you now, dumping this bag of silver powder-looking stuff
all over the floor. And then he started scrapping the rust off his bumper!!
Man, this dude was weird!"
Federal officials were called in to investigate as soon as reports from
New Jersey verified the Mad Vanagon's trek across state lines. Justice
Department officials were mute about the possible reasons for such actions,
commenting only about some sort of "head leak", with revenge as a probable
motive. One spokesman did say, however, that their investigation had turned
up a subversive group of these people who regularly communicate with each
other via the Internet, and who share explosives technology with one another,
in clear violation of the Thermite Dissemination Prohibition Act of 1973.
One arrest has already been made in the case. A reputed explosives
fanatic and militant-anti-possum's-rights-activist was taken into custody
late Tuesday night at his home, along with several tons of Bars-Leak and
Alum-Seal (reportedly used to create home-made incendiary devices when used
with Volkswagen engines). Authorities are not commenting at this time on the
connection between the arrest in Alabama and the incidents in New York and
New Jersey.
yup. that's ALL we need.
unca joel.
y'all excuse me now ... i got to go bury some stuff in the back yard! :)