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Date:         Wed, 25 Dec 2024 22:54:45 -0500
Reply-To:     Eric Caron <ericcaron96@COMCAST.NET>
Sender:       Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:         Eric Caron <ericcaron96@COMCAST.NET>
Subject:      VW bus winter poem
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

What happens when you ask your AI to write a VW bus Poem about being parked for winter?

Nestled in the garage, the VW sleeps, Dreams of summer roads, where the asphalt weeps. Blanketed in quiet, through winter’s chill, Waiting for the spring, to crest the hill.

In the stillness of frost, memories are kept, Of journeys and laughter, and promises met. So rest now, old friend, in your cozy den, Until we roam together, on the road again.

What happens when you ask it to rewrite the poem from the perspective of a English Gentlemen?

In the garage, the VW doth repose, Recollecting sunny journeys and tranquil doze. Enshrouded in stillness, winter’s embrace, Awaiting spring’s warmth, to resume the chase.

In quietude, it dreams of past delight, Adventures shared beneath the sun’s bright light. Rest well, dear bus, in your noble berth, Until we traverse again, o’er this splendid earth.

Eric Caron

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