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Date:         Tue, 26 Nov 2024 15:06:34 -0800
Reply-To:     Dug Smith <dug@DUGBERT.COM>
Sender:       Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:         Dug Smith <dug@DUGBERT.COM>
Subject:      Re: Power steering low pressure hose leak
Comments: To: Eric Caron <ericcaron96@COMCAST.NET>
In-Reply-To:  <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Hi Eric,

I had the little rubber hose joining the two metal hoses start splitting, and while I managed to replace it, I'd been planning on:

if it starts leaking again. There's a YouTube link on that page that makes it sound like it's "easy."

toodle pip, -- Dug Smith | Terry Pratchett: It's almost ( | impossible to ride a rock and roll ( | motorbike and stay on for three verses.

On 11/26/2024 14:05, Eric Caron wrote: > Hi listters, > > Another recommendation from my recent van inspection > > My low pressure power steering hose from the reservoir to pump is leaking at the crimp. > > I’ve changed this out on my other van when it leaked and not a fun job. I used a kit from GW. > > Anyone got thoughts on this repair? > Is there an easier way to do it then the GW kit. > Mechanic is going to look for a used part but I’m torn as to using a used original VW or getting the GW kit. > One of the hardest parts was actually getting the GW hose over the reservoir nipple. > Also, once I have the van back I’ll be installing the tach. That will be such a big improvement. > > Eric

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