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Date:         Mon, 18 Nov 2024 18:22:58 +0000
Reply-To:     David M <covrambles@YAHOO.COM>
Sender:       Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:         David M <covrambles@YAHOO.COM>
Subject:      Re: Tire Side wall info request
Comments: To: Eric Caron <>
In-Reply-To:  <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

I have a 1987 Vanagon GL Wolfsburg (Table and Jump Seats but no pop-top or kitchen stuff).I usually ride alone so don't carry much weight. My van has the factory alloy wheels, whose original tires were 205/70-14 I'm using: 195R14 Vee Rubber Marathon Evo Van Commercial 106/104R They are 8-ply rated, inflate to 65psi, and are 400AA rated. I got them on eBay. They are currently $118.99 for a pair.Mine were DOT code 4121 but never used and brand new. I can't verify whether they will fit in the spare tire bay as I haven't tried putting one there yet. I find the tires give a stable but hard ride.But that could be partially due to my cheaper shocks (Monroe). I formerly used 205/70-14 XL tires and found them to give a softer ride.My 195R14 tires are slightly taller than the 205/70-14 tires were.Hope this helps.

-David (Tempe,AZ)

On Monday, November 18, 2024 at 07:32:14 AM MST, Eric Caron <> wrote: Starting a new thread as the original seems to be hijacked.

Next thing I’m hoping folks can share with me is how to understand the numbers on the tire that indicate load rating.  And if this or something else will help me figure out what type of side wall strength I can expect.

Also, how to keep the tire from expanding in the side wall near the slider door.

It would be great to hear what tire size folks are using that they find fit well and like.

Not a judgment on what is best just some real world experience.

I could compare this to what I have and what Karl and Dennis have shared.

Eric Caron

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