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Date:         Tue, 12 Nov 2024 09:14:56 -0500
Reply-To:     Eric Caron <ericcaron96@COMCAST.NET>
Sender:       Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:         Eric Caron <ericcaron96@COMCAST.NET>
Subject:      Re: List check in
Comments: To: Rick Cooper <>
In-Reply-To:  <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hi Rick,

Great to get your post.

I look forward to your updates.

I’m anticipating a battery change over in the future and hope to learn from folks. But, that change over will be some time in the future as my batteries are fairly new and doing the job I need for now.

I’m loving my Propex heater, but if I had to replace it I’d look into a furnace like you are describing, only the gas version so I could use it off my main fuel tank.

A friend has a diesel van so is making great use of one of these heaters. He was going to do it in the place of the rear one but in the end simply added it to the side.

Keep us posted and I hope if someone has real background or experience they will share with you.

Eric Caron

> On Nov 11, 2024, at 11:16 PM, Rick Cooper <> wrote: > > Hi Eric and others, > > The list is working again for me and I'm getting a stream of messages today. > > I'm just starting two projects on my '87 Westy. > > First, I'd like to install one of those inexpensive diesel heaters and have been reading posts on thesamba. If anyone here has done this and can suggest a good location, I'd love to hear it. My tentative plan is to remove the rear heater and put it in roughly that location. > > Second, Lithium phosphate batteries are coming down in price so I'd like to install one of those. > > Rick > > On Mon, Nov 11, 2024, at 3:01 PM, Eric Caron wrote: >> Hi listers, >> >> I’m sending partly to see if I get my message. And, hoping a few folks will reply so we know Jerry is up and working again after a brain transplant. >> >> Send along your list of winter projects. >> >> On this end, just filled the propane tank so it is ready to go in the spring. It took 2.5 gallons so I was just about empty. The tank got me many uses of the refrigerator, the furnace and stove. >> Just took down the slider curtain on the 85 so we can refresh the elastic on the bottom. This will help it catch better and hold closer to the door. So nice what refreshing the elastic does to windshield curtains and others. >> >> Also the slider for the curtain is falling down in the front. I need to come up with a great glue or other solution. >> >> Just starting my winter projects. Several required skilled help so will depend on when friends visit. >> >> I hope all are well and keeping busy. >> >> Eric Caron

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