Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 11:01:52 -0400
Reply-To: Eric Caron <ericcaron96@COMCAST.NET>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Eric Caron <ericcaron96@COMCAST.NET>
Subject: Re: A pesky air leak
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Hi Matt,
I’m replying for a couple reasons. Sometimes by replying on list more people see the original message. This sounds like something this list can get its teeth into with good recommendations.
I’m the least tech savvy, but have a few thoughts.
You hear a sound you didn’t hear before. It sounds like a sucking sound and it makes you concerned.
It happens when you press the gas then stops.
Is the running of the van different then before if so how?
Is there any van running issues matched with the sound?
When I got my 84 1.9 set up with 2.3 motor it was not running well.
It took me about a year and several friends and mechanics to get it running correctly.
One thing I learned is that the 1.9 system, in my opinion, is very nice, and the 1.9 motor and the 2.3 work just fine with the ignition system. I’m getting excellent gas mileage and response.
But, when something is not working on the 1.9 ignition it sure makes a difference!
In my case I noticed small improvements as we cleaned grounds, changed the wiring harness, and such. I also put in the GW throttle body and that was a big improvement as mine was worn out and sticky. But, in my case the new AFM from GW was the problem. I put in a good original used one and the van now runs great. Before changing it van would not run with o2 sensor on, and backfired with release of peddle and had terrible gas mileage.
In your case, it sounds like something simple but hard to find may be the problem.
Help the list by narrowing down as much as you can to the way the van runs, Where the sound seems to be coming from.
Of course the things you tried, but realize that even when you change parts sometimes the old and new can both by faulty.
My two vans sound very different from each other. That doesn’t mean something is wrong, but I sometimes wonder why the support systems or something sound so different. I’ve tracked down some things over time and sometimes they are not related to mechanical issues.
Example, on my 85 I have nice stainless GW shields under the van, but someone cut off one of the brackets. The result is they vibrate and hum with a sound I find unpleasant, but I’m not going to mess with it as it doesn’t affect the running of the van.
So, share more info, even consider trying a sound recording or video using a link posted to the list.
Eric Caron
> On Sep 25, 2024, at 9:41 PM, Matt McKeon <matt@MMCKEON.COM> wrote:
> hey folks, I've got an '84 1.9L van. In the never ending quest to get this thing running reliably. I recently removed the intake runners and plenum to replace both the intake gaskets and the runner boots (also went with a new GW throttle body).
> My issue now is, after putting everything back together (after a quick rattle can paint job), I'm hearing a pronounced sucking type noise whenever I blip the throttle. It's not a constant hiss, so I'm finding it challenging to diagnose.
> I first tired spraying carb cleaner at the connections around the boots and various hoses; but I never noticed a fluctuation in the idle.
> Then, I slowly put old things back on that I swapped out. Like, the original throttle body, a few of the other hoses (like the brake booster line), no change, same noise.
> At the recent suggestion on another thread here, I bought a smoke tester. Got it cranking, plugged it into the S-boot, and after waiting several minutes, no smoke from anywhere. To see if it was actually working, I took the injectors out, and I could see smoke coming out. So, seems like its flowing around in there just fine. Am I missing something in how this is supposed to work?
> At this point, I'm not sure what to try next. The seemingly obvious answer is to take everything back apart and try again. I'd have to buy another set of gaskets though, I suppose. But, was hoping there might be some wisdom from others on what I'm overlooking / doing wrong. Any thoughts or suggestions?
> Thanks!
> -Matt