Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 10:41:16 -0400
Reply-To: Eric Caron <ericcaron96@COMCAST.NET>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Eric Caron <ericcaron96@COMCAST.NET>
Subject: Re: '88 Westy Vacuum leak diagnosis input
In-Reply-To: <>
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Hi Matt,
Great that you have a vanagon to have something to putter with in all your free time!
Actually, I really do love caretaking a vanagon. Always something to engage me and often many successes as things work well again.
I was a public School Counselor for my career and helping students adjust to school transitions such as Middle school and High school are familiar, and bring a smile to me!
Although, I find today’s challenges regarding technology, social media, and school policies hard to. Imagine working in now. Retirement is my current career, and vanagon care one of my great joys.
I hope the business world and young family life go great, and that your vanagon is ready for the challenges. I would think dropping off a child in a vanagon gets some fun attention!
Eric Caron
> On Sep 20, 2024, at 10:55 AM, Matt Drew <t3vanagon@GMAIL.COM> wrote:
> Howdy Eric!
> Thanks for checking in.
> Quick answer is nothing to report yet.
> Between running my two businesses and a new school schedule for our fresh
> 6th grader, the schedule (and lack of available time) hasn't allowed me to
> address as quickly as I'd otherwise prefer.
> I'm getting belts and hoses back on this weekend to drive it back to my
> mechanic to dig into the vacuum leak.
> Hoping to have everything dialed by this time next week.
> *Hoping* lol
> Thanks,
> Matt
> On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 3:49 AM Eric Caron <> wrote:
>> Hi Matt,
>> Eric here wondering how things are going with your van.
>> I’ve been trying to check back on interesting posts like yours but having
>> a bit of trouble with my emailing.
>> I hope this reaches you and the list.
>> Hopefully you have the belts and other issues sorted.
>> Eric Caron
>> On Sep 9, 2024, at 12:23 AM, Matt Drew <t3vanagon@GMAIL.COM> wrote:
>> Howdy Eric-
>> Thanks for asking.
>> Unfortunately, though, this has now become just one more issue on an
>> expanding list....
>> Coming home today, I lost power steering just as the alternator warning
>> and OXS warning lights came on.
>> That feeling of dread instantly set in. Since I was only a couple blocks
>> from the house, I decided just to get it home.
>> As I feared, when I got out of the van I immediately smelled coolant, and
>> found a puddle forming under the engine bay.
>> And you guessed it, I also found a shredded V-belt and the two other belts
>> thrown.
>> Looks like another flatbed trip is in our future tomorrow . . .
>> -Matt
>> On Thu, Sep 5, 2024 at 3:52 PM Eric Caron <> wrote:
>>> Hi matt,
>>> I was wondering if you have any updates on your running issue.
>>> Hope you have found success.
>>> Eric Caron
>>>> On Sep 3, 2024, at 12:12 PM, Matt Drew <t3vanagon@GMAIL.COM> wrote:
>>>> 2.1L WB
>>>> I'm working with my mechanic on this one, but since he doesn't have a
>>> smoke
>>>> machine, I'm trying to narrow down potential problem points.
>>>> Noticed it was running rough a while back, initially thought it was a
>>>> timing/misfire issue.
>>>> New plugs, cap, rotor, ignition wires all needed to happen anyway, but
>>>> didn't have an impact.
>>>> A couple interesting points:
>>>> - Noticing a sucking sound coming from the general area of the airflow
>>>> sensor.
>>>> - It runs rough every time I start up, but eventually smoothes out after
>>>> idling for a few minutes.
>>>> - The sucking/whistling sound seems to be related because it subsides
>>>> (mostly) concurrent to the idle smoothing out.
>>>> At first I thought it might be an intake hose crack, and that increased
>>>> temp would cause a temporary expansion / seal, but that doesn't seem to
>>> be
>>>> it since it happens on every startup, even after everything is warm.
>>>> Anyone else experienced this before?
>>>> Any tips on where to look?
>>>> *Matt*
>>>> Missoula, MT
>>>> '88 Westy, *Ragnar LoafBrick*