Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 16:39:03 +0000
Reply-To: Stephen Grisanti <bike2vcu@YAHOO.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Stephen Grisanti <bike2vcu@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: Post on rear table knob
In-Reply-To: <>
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I have the same setup on my '87 Westy; the knob and screw thread into a fixed nut on the collar bolted to the inside top of that cabinet and press against the plate/spoon piece that presses against he table's support pipe to keep it from moving around too easily. Get on the floor with a flashlight and remove the knob/bolt completely, then shine the light into the threaded hole. You should see marks where the end of the screw have pressed against the plate/spoon. Moving the table leg slightly left and right should indicate whether there is something--and there should be--blocking your view of the leg. If you can see the table leg moving then you are missing the little plate that should be in there, which means your set screw is pressing directly against the table leg. I did not see this piece in the Go Westy camper parts section, although they do show larger table pieces for sale.
One thing I did on my van was to cut a length of PVC to act a a sleeve for the table leg to fit into, and I also cut a sliver (trial and error here to get the size right) of thin plastic sheet to wrap the table leg inside the PVC for additional friction to help hold the leg firmly in position so that set screw does not need to work as hard. Good luck!
On Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 11:39:43 AM EDT, Steven Brower <> wrote:
I think that knob screws through a threaded wall and then onto a plate that bears against the post. Maybe that plate fell to the bottom and you need to get it out with a magnet on a stick. I could be wrong about all that but on my 82, there’s a plate for the screw to push against.
Steven Brower
Brooklyn Navy Yard
63 Flushing Avenue
Building 280, Suite 521
Brooklyn, NY 11205
(347) 223-8877
> On Sep 24, 2024, at 11:04 AM, Jim Arnott <> wrote:
> From the archives:
> From: "" <ddbjorkman@VERIZON.NET>
> Subject: Rear table knob
> Date: September 21, 2024 at 9:22:34 AM PDT
> Hello all.The Westy has been running quite well recently. Even no problems on our 8.8K mile trip around the country. So the list hasn't heard from mem, other than the occasional reply. But now I have a problem. The rear table knob does not restrict movement of the table as it should. I tried using the (different design) knob from the front table, and even purchased a new knob to no avail. Screw it down tight as one can and the table still swings freely. I have looked into the top hole it goes into with the table removed, so know there is something in there.
> Anybody got any fixes for this problem? I have bungie corded the table to the hand strap for now, but it's a poor solution.
> Dave B.The Boston one
>> On Sep 24, 2024, at 7:27 AM, Jim Arnott <jrasite@EONI.COM> wrote:
>> Saw the post. Don’t have an answer.
>> Jim
>>>> On Sep 23, 2024, at 6:07 AM, <ddbjorkman@VERIZON.NET> wrote:
>>> I hope you all got my post on the rear table knob problem.
>>> I am a bit surprised that no one has replied or run into this problem, nor come up with a fix.
>>> Any ideas?? It is kind of a PITA, and I could use some help.
>>> Dave B.the Boston one