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Date:         Tue, 3 Sep 2024 16:59:22 -0400
Reply-To:     Andrew Berg <andrew@BERGWEB.CA>
Sender:       Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:         Andrew Berg <andrew@BERGWEB.CA>
Subject:      Re: Any info on the Mansispeed EFI
Comments: To: Eric Caron <>
In-Reply-To:  <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hi Eric,

I drove right through VT. We spent 3 days on the coast in Maine and then drove up I-89 and camped at Little River State Park in Waterbury. Beautiful spot for sure! We then continued on 89 to Burlington and took the Champlian Islands route (highway 2) up towards the border and crossed into Quebec via a very short jaunt back through NY (one right turn and done).

I can definitely see why Vermont got its french name from the Green Mountains. Gorgeous lush scenery.

Now, onto your questions.

The EFI system is based on the Microsquirt platform. That's the ECU. There is no AFM. Load sensing is by a MAP sensor which takes a vacuum reading from the intake plenum. There is also a TPS and intake air temp sensor. For timing, it uses a crank trigger ring and sensor on the back of the pulley (the kit includes a modified 3 groove pulley). The factory 2.1 idle control valve is retained. It is coil-on-plug and has an ignition amplifier. The harness is pre-assembled and plug and play. You literally can't screw up the install (well, at least not easily). You don't even need to set timing. It's all done ahead of time by Marco in the software.

Not sure what you mean about upgrades/fixes with a computer upgrade.

You cannot connect a Scan gauge (or I don't believe you can).

The software used to tune is TunerStudio. The paid version has an Autotune feature, however Marco ships the ECU with his own tune that I'm sure has been battle tested over the years. After I installed it, I connected the laptop and setup a log file for a 1 hour drive. I sent it to him, he checked it over and made a few minor tweaks based on my specific setup and sent it back to me. Been running with that tune ever since and on my entire trip and it worked out great. I don't see the need to mess with the tune ever again unless I modify something major on the engine.

The website has some info, but the best info is on The Samba and there are also a couple of good YouTube videos. Marco is also very responsive via Facebook Messenger if you want to pick his brain further. I've probably bugged him more than I should have, but he's always been very helpful. All of his products (I've now bought most of them) are well put together and high quality.

Hope this helps.


On Tue, Sep 3, 2024, at 4:48 PM, Eric Caron wrote: > Hi Andrew, > > What? You were in New England, and a list member and didn’t stop in to > see me? Hey, VT is a beautiful place! > > I don’t find the web sites all that easy to use. > > So, What does this engine management consist of? > > Example what does it use for a AFM? Does it use a cam sensor and pull > sensor like the GW version? Does it have on plug coil like the GW and > come with a ECU? > > Does it still use some old parts like the Idle Air control valve? > > Does it have the ability to be upgraded or fixed with a computer upgrade? > > Can you connect a Scan gauge.? > > Is it a learning system? > > So very interesting. > > I just read something from another list I never thought I’d see. A > person that removed a Jetta engine that was tired and replaced it with > a GW 2.3 but with this engine management. Also just concluded a nice > long trip. > > Thanks for the info and share more if you can. > > Eric Caron > > > >> On Sep 3, 2024, at 4:20 PM, Andrew Berg <> wrote: >> >> I just completed a 2500km road trip through New England with a freshly built 2.2 wbx that has rocky jennings stage 2 heads and the Mansispeed EFI along with his injectors and 1.35 ratio rockers. >> >> The whole package worked out so well. >> >> For 60mph highway driving, I was getting about 20 mpg which I felt was pretty good. >> >> Throttle response is superb. Never had a single hiccup, hesitation, issue at all. It started up every time after a few cranks. The components are all easily sourced and replaced if needed in the future. >> >> I am very happy with the Mansispeed EFI. >> >> Andrew >> >> On Tue, Sep 3, 2024, at 11:57 AM, Eric Caron wrote: >>> Hi folks, >>> >>> Anyone have experience with the Mansispeed EFI? >>> >>> I have the GW system on my 85. And the 1.9 system on my 86. >>> Both running the GW 2.3 >>> >>> The 1.9 system seems better at this time but parts will be harder to >>> get. I have a few spare parts but could use a few more like a good AFM. >>> >>> Still, The GW system is on my auto so it may not be a fair comparison. >>> >>> Still I wonder if theMansispeed EFI system might be something I should >>> keep track of for future needs. >>> >>> So far, I love the 84 combo of 2.3 with 1.9 ignition. Gass mileage and >>> performance has been great once we got all the parts working correctly. >>> >>> Eric Caron

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