Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2024 11:59:54 -0700
Reply-To: Jim Arnott <jrasite@EONI.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Jim Arnott <jrasite@EONI.COM>
Subject: Re: Tach needed, anyone able to help, and trip report
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BTDT. You’re probably gonna need to run a trigger wire. I used 16 ga 4 strand trailer wire because if you need to run a wire from back to front, it can’t hurt to have spares. Since then, I’ve used 3 of the 4. Tach signal, oil pressure, oil temp.
I used a late model cluster and so had to rearrange the wires on the connector at the cluster. (I also added the GoWesty “foil” replacement at some point in time. Speedy at the time, but worth it.) The late Jim Thompson has a write-up on the procedure.
Note that seems to be a phishing site. Don’t go there. When Jim passed, I captured his OldVolksHome site and rehosted it on WetWesties server.
Have fun.
> On Aug 18, 2024, at 11:29 AM, Eric Caron <ericcaron96@COMCAST.NET> wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> I’m happy to pay for one and shipping. A friend thought he had one but it turned out to be a clock.
> Fingers crossed you or another lister has one.
> I was not worried about it but while on a long trip, my wife would not be able to hear the engine and forget the van in third gear. So it stayed there at high speed for much longer than it should have. Other drivers said they also fould it hard to hear when to shift because I have made the van so quiet.
> So, time to change out the broken clock for a working tach!
> Eric Caron
>> On Aug 18, 2024, at 2:24 PM, Dan N <> wrote:
>> Let me look around in my pile of junk... if I have I will give it to you.... but I am not sure I have it....
>> On Sun, Aug 18, 2024 at 11:19 AM Eric Caron < <>> wrote:
>>> Hi Dan,
>>> Thank you for the info.
>>> I’m just starting my search. I’ll look locally first, and on this list.
>>> Samba is my last resort.
>>> Eric Caron
>>>> On Aug 18, 2024, at 12:36 PM, Dan N < <>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Eric... I don't have one for you... but there are some on Samba.. expensive...
>>>> On Sun, Aug 18, 2024 at 6:25 AM Eric Caron < <>> wrote:
>>>>> Sending again as I didn’t see this on list or in my junk. I hope it reaches the list.
>>>>> Hi folks,
>>>>> We just returned from a 10 day travel and camping adventure in our 84 Westfalia.
>>>>> One thing I learned is that Heidi and my other drivers need a tach. I would like to replace the broken clock with one.
>>>>> Anyone out there have one and a little direction on install?
>>>>> The problem is that my 84 is so quiet that Heidi and others could not hear the engine enough to know it was time to change gears. So, we often stayed in a gear too long. This happened to several experienced VW van drivers. All wanted a Tach.
>>>>> Our 10 day adventure took us from VT to Maine, and into Canada. We were at the Brand Manan island as well as Saint Andrew’s. It was a great trip.
>>>>> Extra bonus was meeting fellow list member Roy Nichols, sorry about spelling.
>>>>> There were many Vanagons and some bay windows out on the roads. The largest number in Canada.
>>>>> We traveled in a group of 4 including 3 vanagons and 1 bay window. The 78 Bay was running my original 1.9 motor and they got the best gas mileage of all of us, and had no trouble keeping up with the speed.
>>>>> Now, looking forward to another adventure!
>>>>> So, Tach anyone?
>>>>> Eric Caron