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Date:         Fri, 2 Aug 2024 23:36:59 +0000
Reply-To:     Richard Koerner <rjkinpb@SBCGLOBAL.NET>
Sender:       Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:         Richard Koerner <rjkinpb@SBCGLOBAL.NET>
Subject:      Re: Bent Tie Rod
In-Reply-To:  <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

I was directed to this YouTube regarding replacing Tie Rod on Vanagon, I think on TheSamba; another guy commented, "his approach is a sure way to kill yourself or others. Also a proven way to damage the rack."  I mean, it all looked so simple.  What am I missing?   VW T3: Tie- Rod removal (Gerry didn't like the way I sent this link the first time; so I experimented and sent it to myself; hopefully the link goes through this time.)

    On Thursday, August 1, 2024 at 07:46:28 PM PDT, OlRivrRat <> wrote:      If as You say all looks & feels OK, I'd just replace the TieRod,,,

If it turns out that the Rack is damaged You can then use the new TieRod

with a new rack ~ Just My 1/2cent ~~

> On 31 Jul , 2024, at 2:43 PM, Richard Koerner <rjkinpb@SBCGLOBAL.NET> wrote: > > I got in a T-bone collision with my 85 Vanagon with Power Steering (a year ago...van is in final stages at body shop).  My Passenger Side tie rod is bent.  Would you say that in general the tie rod is designed to be the "weakest link"; that is, it will deform but sacrificially protect the Power Steering Rack?  Replacing a tie-rod and both inner link to rack and outer link to steering knuckle seems to be pretty straightforward, and there are several YouTube videos describing the step-by-step procedure.  Also, tie rods and ends are quite inexpensive compared to a Power Steering Rack.  I have not seen any fluid leaks from rack, but of course the tie rod end is covered with a rubber boot; also I have not heard or felt any funny noises when driven.  I suppose I could first fix the bent tie rod first....and then watch and wait to determine if Power Steering Rack was damaged.  Advice?


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