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Date:         Mon, 10 Jun 2024 09:20:53 -0600
Reply-To:     OlRivrRat <OlRivrRat@COMCAST.NET>
Sender:       Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:         OlRivrRat <OlRivrRat@COMCAST.NET>
Subject:      Re: Summer Syncro project
Comments: To: Richard Koller <brvkoller@GMAIL.COM>
In-Reply-To:  <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


I’ve not ever heard of Piston honing but have heard that honing the Cylinders

is always a good thing to do if You are installing new Rings as it helps to Seat the

Rings to the Cylinder Walls Better & Faster ~

Also, as long as You are into it with that much effort You might want to look

@ MansiSpeed Rockers & Injectors for some extra HP & also, since You should have

a “D” code ECU, give some thought to adding a performance chip ~

> On 4 Jun , 2024, at 3:36 PM, Richard Koller <brvkoller@GMAIL.COM> wrote: > > Hi all, > I will be devoting many hours to my '90 syncro westy in the next few weeks. > So I will be probing the List gurus' vast knowledge. > First I will be rebuilding the top end. > I have new heads, new pistons, new rods and bearings, new oil pump, new > lifters. > I last did this level of work 20 years ago so I'm proceeding deliberately. > My first query is whether the new pistons should be initially honed ( I > read that Boston Bob used to do this) is it necessary? And concerning the > lifters I also read that immersing them in oil for some days will help fill > them and make them usable without the complicated Bentley bleeding > technique. > These are the first of many requests for guidance. > All comments and advice are welcome. > Rick Koller

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