Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2022 19:36:12 -0500
Reply-To: Eric Caron <ericcaron96@COMCAST.NET>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Eric Caron <ericcaron96@COMCAST.NET>
Subject: Re: Fuses-last response blocked.
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I’ll learn more about cost and shape, of the glass fuses,and then make a choice. But in the mean time I’ll clean and likely change out the older fuses.
> On Dec 11, 2022, at 7:31 PM, Richard Koerner <rjkinpb@SBCGLOBAL.NET> wrote:
> Dennis is always spot on.
> Me? I am too cheap. Shining up with use of Red Scotch Brite pad on ends of fuses and metal contacts (disconnecting Negative Terminal on Battery of course before proceeding) and a slick wipe of Petroleum Jelly at connections points to dissuade corrosion is my go to. One by one. It is simple, and fun. And satisfying. In the process, you will smile and gain assurance of a job well done.
> I don't understand discarding perfectly good fuses. And yes, the plastic cover on top of my fuses in my '85 works just fine after this preventative measure. And I think '84 is very similar.
> But that is just me. It is Your Vanagon after all.
> On Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 04:14:28 PM PST, Eric Caron <> wrote:
> Thanks Dennis,
> this is as usual very useful information.
> Does anyone have a source for these glass fuses?And am I correct that they fit in the same spots so basically same shape? I’d like to be able to put the cover back on.
> These sound like a good way to gain a bit of reliability, and maybe easier for me to change.
> Once I get my 84 into the garage I plan to do lots of small improvements, and cleaning fuse connections is certainly on the list.
> The adaptor for the blade fuses, mentioned by Todd, sounds interesting but I don’t want to add too much complexity and I want to be able to use the fuse cover. Not sure if I could use the cover with the adaptors.
> So, any easy sources out there? Anyone using the glass fuses?
> How is it possible I’m still learning so many basic things on a van I’ve owned for 10 years and a van style I’ve owned for like 25 years, and iff you count Bay windows then like 40 years.
> Eric Caron
>> On Dec 11, 2022, at 1:30 PM, Dennis Haynes <d23haynes57@HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
>> The early fuses VW used are known as GBC. A unique feature of this design is that the mounting allows for easy cleaning of any light oxidation or contamination of the contacts. Simply rotate them in place the contact patch will clean the contact tip and restore connection. Amongst the downsides of this design, the contact surface is small, especially for larger sizes like 25 A (Blue) used for some radiator fans. Also, when the open the resulting spark is not contained. Also over time heat will damage the plastic core and cause it to fail.
>> GBC fuses are available in glass capsules similar to AGM. Here is a picture.
>> The glass style fuses are an effective, low cost drop in upgrade. They avoid damage from handling and when the fail, the spark and hot dropping is contained. The tin plating on the contacts also reduce the corrosion there. They are also available in more sizes and simply more reliable over time. They are a bit more difficult to find. I see lots on e-Bay.
>> Dennis