Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 20:24:52 -0700
Reply-To: Alistair Bell <albell@SHAW.CA>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Alistair Bell <albell@SHAW.CA>
Subject: Re: Hey, I so excited
In-Reply-To: <20150529225912.YFDNA.6866.imail@eastrmwml206>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Just wait until your van, if you park outside the same way all the time, gets algae growing on the north side. It's amazing how the stuff, algae then I think a form of lichen, grows on the van here in the PNW. Living on a farm doesn't help. When it is dry its dusty and that dust must be a substrate that the green growth likes.
> On May 29, 2015, at 7:59 PM, <> <> wrote:
> ---- Alistair Bell <> wrote:
>> You know, when you say you live in the GNW I have to admit to a prejudice. Both in Washington and BC, once to go east over the coast range you have to turn in your mossy badge :-)
> Well, having come from the SW, South Plains of Texas and Oklahoma, moss growing on the roof of a house has been a new phenomenon for me since coming to Spokane. So maybe those of us in the Inland NW can have a mini-badge. Of course, if Texas and Oklahoma could spread out the rain that they get one spring out of five (like this year) over a whole decade, and spread the spring rain out over the whole year, moss might grow on the roof there, too.
> mcneely
>> Alistair
>>> On May 29, 2015, at 6:01 PM, <> <> wrote:
>>> Enjoy, Alistair. I envy you. NO camping so far this year, what with moving to Spokane, living temporarily in a rental while shopping for a property of our own up here in the GNW. The search for property has been more difficult than I expected it to be. Driest May ever here, too. In fact, dry the whole year so far, almost no snow this winter. Typically when I have visited in May, a glance to the N or E would reveal snow covered mountains. The mountain snow was essentially gone in March this year. mcneely
>>> ---- Alistair Bell <albell@SHAW.CA> wrote:
>>>> Packing up the van for a weekend of exploring logging roads. One thing and another has made this our first trip of the year.
>>>> Driest may on record here, perhaps the bugs will be less than normal. I just can't wait to get up high on hill, look out over the pacific, and sip a cocktail.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Alistair
>>> --
>>> David McNeely
> --
> David McNeely