Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 01:38:16 -0700
Reply-To: Michael Magnani <mfmagnani@SBCGLOBAL.NET>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Michael Magnani <mfmagnani@SBCGLOBAL.NET>
Subject: Re: WTB: EVAP charcoal canister
In-Reply-To: <BAY406-EAS405BB5697C0A710A91B81F0A0E90@phx.gbl>
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I was just wondering..... Is there any preventive maintenance or inspections we should be doing to the EVAP system to avoid having problems? My 1990 2.1 WB runs fine and I'd like to keep it that way.
Mike M
Sent from my iPad
> On Aug 14, 2014, at 17:10, Dennis Haynes <d23haynes57@HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
> The new canister does still have a bottom vent, a large one. Just not through a hose tucked into the frame. Fuel vapor containment/recovery systems have been with us since the late 60's. The purge valve on your vanagon was vacuum operated and opened as the throttle opened. Later vehicles even have an air pump to pressurize the system and failure to hold pressure gives a fault code.
> Dennis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vanagon Mailing List [] On Behalf Of Neil N
> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 3:10 PM
> Subject: Re: WTB: EVAP charcoal canister
> Very helpful responses folks and thanks for the pmails. I will inspect the vent hose from bottom of canister. It indeed vents to atmosphere. I may also try removing the hose at canister inlet.
> Dennis: ill google up that part number. Much thanks. Is the lack of venting at new canister a potential problem in that there is no fail safe? (Then again, some vanagons already have EVAP "venting" in the form of poor maintenance. ;). Ha ha. )
> The engine is running ok now but I'd like to address this issue soon. The forestry roads are tempting..... Given the noisy state parks I'm
> encountering. ;)
> Heat, engine load (long grade), small tank outlet not withstanding, my Jetta engine management operates the purge valve in a series of short pulses at idle and possibly at other RPMs but if I'm not mistaken, the stock WBX purge valve allows air to be constantly pulled soon after idle. Maybe there's subtle differences between the Mk 3 Jetta and vanagon fuel tank and EVAP ?
> I don't recall seeing a purge valve on my vanagon while it was still in OEM air cooled form. I'll read my Bentley.
> Neil.
> On Thursday, August 14, 2014, Dennis Haynes <> wrote:
> I believe the replacement number is 175-201-801-A. The new one does not use
>> the hose connection on the bottom.
>> Dennis
>> From: 'OlRivrRat'
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 4:05 PM
>> To: Vanagon
>> Neil
>> I would start pulling hoses off the Canister to see if any
>> Disconnects make it run better ~ Especially check
>> the BottomHose if yours still DeadEnds into the FrameRail as some
>> MudDobbingBug may have built a Nest in it ~
>> ORR ~ DeanB
>>> On 13 Aug , 2014, at 1:33 PM, Neil N wrote:
>>> Hi folks.
>>> I am fairly certain that the Vanagon charcoal filter canister is NLA.
>> This
>>> would be for a 1981 gas Vanagon.
>>> I'm currently in Brookings OR and can travel a reasonable distance.
>>> My
>> bus
>>> is running ok right now but if anyone had a known good canister they
>> could
>>> sell me or could suggest a source (wrecker, etc.) I might be
>>> interested
>> in
>>> it.
>>> I have not confirmed if the current canister at fault or if it's
>>> simply a clogged hose but I'm about 100% certain it is or will soon fail.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Neil.
>>> On Wednesday, August 13, 2014, Neil N <
>>> <javascript:;>>
>> wrote:
>>>> .......
>>>> Very interesting to know more of the canister construction. Very
>> helpful.
>>>> I'll cut open the old 1981 vanagon high mile canister and post
>>>> pics. I
>> have
>>>> a Jetta canister I can install. It has a nearly identical exterior.
>>>> Of note, the fuel pump doesn't make much if any noise right now but
>>>> has "always" gotten era all noisy on hot days, higher altitude,
>>>> workinengine harder.
>>>> This is a Jetta engine in my vanagon but ever since I'd gotten it
>>>> to run reliably, it's always exhibited a tendency to run well, or,
>>>> feel like it had slightly less power and acceleration. I have to
>>>> wonder if this has
>> been
>>>> due to a failing charcoal c
>>> --
>>> Neil n
>>> Blog:
>>> '88 Westy
>>> '81 VanaJetta 2.0 "Jaco"
>>> Vanagon VAG *Gas* inline-VR Engine Swap Group:
> --
> Neil n
> Blog:
> '88 Westy
> '81 VanaJetta 2.0 "Jaco"
> Vanagon VAG *Gas* inline-VR Engine Swap Group: