Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2014 16:32:56 -0800
Reply-To: "SDF ( Scott Daniel Foss )" <scottdaniel@TURBOVANS.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: "SDF ( Scott Daniel Foss )" <scottdaniel@TURBOVANS.COM>
Organization: Cosmic Reminders
Subject: Re: No Clutch
In-Reply-To: <BAY179-DS25760DCF91B58DC6BD4791A0AB0@phx.gbl>
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I always prefer the clear-hose-in-a-bottle method, on the bleeder
valve...and stoke the pedal..pausing briefly at the top of each that a good 10 strokes.....
you can see if the master pumps in air,
get a real 'feel' on how well the master pumps fluid, etc.
As long as there is enough fluid in the system and MC ...that it can
pump ...this method words very well.
starting with a no-brake-fluid-in-it-at-all master cylinder is a
different story, needing a different method at first.
On 2/2/2014 4:16 PM, Dennis Haynes wrote:
> That bleeder is a “pressure” bleeder. There are a number of aftermarket alternatives. With a bit of effort and a helper it can be done without any special tools. I usually just fill the reservoir and leave the bleeder open. When gravity does its job then it is just push pedal down, close bleeder, raise pedal, wait 10-15 seconds and repeat. You still need to find the original leak and correct.
> Dennis
> From: Tom Buese []
> Sent: Sunday, February 2, 2014 3:15 PM
> To: Dennis Haynes
> Subject: Re: No Clutch
> OK, so gotta bleed it!
> Bentley śays you gotta use bleeder US 1111 @ 2-2.5 bar (pg 370).
> Where do I get said beast?
> Mr. BZ
> On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Dennis Haynes <> wrote:
> The fluid went somewhere. Look under the floor mat! Did that last winter in
> Fun Bus. No the floor paint is the peel off type. In that case the hose from
> the reservoir to the clutch cylinder failed. How that hose got close enough
> to the clutch pedal arm to wear thought is beyond me. Anyway, filling and
> pumping won't make it work again. You will have to bleed it.
> Dennis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vanagon Mailing List [] On Behalf Of
> Tom Buese
> Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2014 5:28 PM
> Subject: No Clutch
> Came home from BBB 18 after 18 days away & the Syncro Doka started right up,
> but the clutch pedal went right to the floor even after topping off the
> brake fluid reservoir.
> Pumped & pumped & pumped, but no increase in pedal resistance.
> no sign of leaking @ clutch master or slave cylinders, & all worked well
> before leaving.
> Any hints?
> --
> Tom Buese