Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 13:26:45 -0400
Reply-To: David Clarkson <dvdclarksn@AOL.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: David Clarkson <dvdclarksn@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Front end workout-saved my Westy and our lives
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
Not intending to be overly dramatic here but I think that the work that
I recently did may have saved my wife's, my dog's and my own life not
to mention saving me from totalling our 90 westy. I had failed Va.
state safety inspection for a premature, in my opinion, lower control
arm bushing failure. I purchased new bushings and also decided that the
van was way overdue on having the mushy, sagging springs replaced on
all four corners. The Bilstein heavy duty shocks and struts only had
about 15,000 miles on them and seemed to be performing well so they
were adjusted to the new springs after their installation. I replaced
the springs with the progressive design springs from one of our list
vendors. About a month later I was traveling with my wife and dog in
the car at about 55 mph (the posted speed limit) on a straight stretch
of 2 lane highway (1 lane in each direction). All of the sudden out of
the corner of my left eye I saw an SUV burst into the road about to
t-bone me at a right angle from the left. I instinctively swerved to
the right on the small bit of asphalt at the intersection and back onto
the road all while never losing speed and ending up in front of this
vehicle. It was a miracle that the van handled and responded the way
that it did without rolling. I can only attribute this to the
suspension that was recently replaced and properly adjusted (front
struts). I was overcome with relief and anger that this person almost
killed us but we did not wreck. It took all that I had not to pull over
and confront this individual but decided I needed to be civil and
abstain from road rage. I still should have called 911 and reported him
in case he was somehow impaired. No, our vans were built long before
antilock brakes, traction control systems and airbags; but when
properly maintained systems like the suspension and tires can allow
these vehicles to handle in a very nimble and predictable manner. Thank
you nimble and safe Westfalia for keeping us safe. You shall soon be
rewarded with body work, fresh paint and seals. Replace those worn
suspension components folks it's not just a comfort measure!
David Clarkson
Equipment Consultant
Southern Automotive Garage Equipment