Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 08:01:16 -0400
Reply-To: Mike B <mbucchino@CHARTER.NET>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Mike B <mbucchino@CHARTER.NET>
Subject: Re: Bad fuel economy (solution)
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And also that using corn for fuel means less is used for food and food
products, which raises the cost of food!
As I said, "all-around bad deal!"
Mike B.
On 8/31/2013 7:43 AM, Todd Last wrote:
> You forgot to add the benefit is primarily to the corn producing
> agriculture states.
> On 8/30/2013 8:39 PM, Mike B wrote:
>> I don't see how adding ethanol to gasoline could translate to even
>> "maybe a little cleaner environment", when the main reason they do it is
>> for economical reasons. They water down the gas with something cheaper
>> that's not as good as gas, then you get the privilege of paying more for
>> it, too! And because it nets less BTU's of energy to your engine, that
>> means less miles per gallon of 'fuel' burned, so you end up buying more
>> gallons! This also means that you're 'net' burning more 'fuel' in total
>> per year. More fuel burned times every vehicle on the road, means
>> increased emissions to the atmosphere! All around, a BAD DEAL!
>> And yes, 15 percent ethanol will kill many older vehicles, like our
>> beloved VW's! I recently heard about one way to help prolong their
>> inevitable demise, a fuel additive that uses enzymes to eat the ethanol
>> and clean out the gunk left in the fuel system;
>> Mike B.
>> On 8/30/2013 10:43 PM, JRodgers wrote:
>>> Over tiome that difference begins to add up in dollars and cents. AND
>>> what's worse - it's a false economy on fuel pricing. The only place we
>>> do gain is MAYBE a little cleaner environment - but we are paying more
>>> for less. Maybe the diesel folks have it right - even at higher fuel
>>> prices.
>>> I'm concerned about a move towards more alcohol in the fuel. At 15% it
>>> will kill most vintage cars like Vanagons.
>>> John
>>> On 8/30/2013 9:19 PM, KIM BRENNAN wrote:
>>>> FWIW, I've seen (across 7 cars) a 10% reduction in fuel economy for
>>>> the gas with 10% alcohol.
>>>> Only in my camper was it a 20% reduction.
>>>> This evening I confirmed, that with 10% alcohol gas, the fuel economy
>>>> is only 11-12mpg, as opposed to 15-16mpg on pure gas.
>>>> On Aug 30, 2013, at 4:06 PM, Timmy Evens <monkey_lips@YAHOO.COM>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> the btu's in a gallon of 10 % ethanol isn't much different than
>>>>> straight gas. would not attribute to alcohol. maybe maybe bad O2
>>>>> sensor?
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