Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 21:59:13 -0700
Reply-To: Karl Wolz <wolzphoto@Q.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Karl Wolz <wolzphoto@Q.COM>
Subject: Re: Weak Brakes - '88GL
In-Reply-To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Any difference if you pump the brake pedal like a mad man?
Karl Wolz
|-----Original Message-----
|From: Vanagon Mailing List []
|On Behalf Of John Rodgers
|Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 9:21 PM
|Subject: Re: Weak Brakes - '88GL
| The van has sat since any work was done - like September last year.
|The brake fluid was changed. It was nasty. It may need to be
|changed again - but I wouldn't think so. But, whatever it takes......
|Perhaps even the rear brake cylinders need changing out -
|though there is o leakage. Just dunno. I really hate to think
|about having to change out the booster. Changing the maser
|cylinder is not to much of a biggie.
|John Rodgers
|Clayartist and Moldmaker
|88'GL VW Bus Driver
|Chelsea, AL
|On 6/15/2011 10:49 PM, Scott Daniel - Turbovans wrote:
|> hi John,
|> you say 'brake fluid is up'...
|> but you didn't start driving a van that's been sitting 10 years and
|> not immediately change the brake fluid did you ???
|> I even change the brake fluid on my parts vans when I get them..
|> that's how old and watery bf gets sitting for years.
|> And how very bad it is for the brake components to have watery brake
|> fluid in them..
|> it just ruins them.
|> so if you have not ..
|> do change the brake fluid.
|> if you use a manual method ...........don't stroke the brake pedal
|> very far..
|> no lower than half way down.
|> it's not sounding good ..
|> but in all cases..
|> changing brake fluid is a *diagnostic* procedure ..
|> not just a service procedure.
|> How it acts when you do that ........tells you a lot.
|> I prefer a manual bleed method as you can easily feel and tell what
|> the MC is doing ..
|> like if it's pumping air or not.
|> re the booster..
|> mainly you make sure the whole rest of the brakes are good..
|> and that vacuum is getting to the booster..
|> and then after that you can start thinking about if it's
|faulty or not.
|> maybe your brake fluid is so watery you could make tea with it.
|> but I hope not !~
|> Scott
|> ----- Original Message ----- From: "John Rodgers" <inua@CHARTER.NET>
|> To: <vanagon@GERRY.VANAGON.COM>
|> Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 7:58 PM
|> Subject: Weak Brakes - '88GL
|>> Today I drove Ol' Blue, my #2 '88GL with manual tranny.
|This is my
|>> project van that I rescued after being stored 10 years. Brake fluid
|>> is up, no leaks at each brake, good parking brakes - but
|with engine
|>> running the pedal goes almost to the floor. It;s like the vacuum
|>> booster for the brakes is boosting. On Ol' Red, with foot on the
|>> brake pedal, when the engine starts, I can feel the pedal
|move as the
|>> booster kicks in. Not so on Ol' Blue. When rolling, the brakes are
|>> pretty weak, and the pedal is almost on the floor. I have noticed
|>> that when I put on the brake, it feels like the brake pedal
|arm scrubs against something.
|>> Anyone have any suggestions as to what the problem might be
|- and how
|>> to approach it.
|>> Thanks,
|>> John
|>> --
|>> John Rodgers
|>> Clayartist and Moldmaker
|>> 88'GL VW Bus Driver
|>> Chelsea, AL
|>> Http://
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