Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 21:44:26 -0700
Reply-To: "" <mwmiller@CWNET.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: "" <mwmiller@CWNET.COM>
Subject: Re: Water tank
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I bought and installed some enzyme cleaner today. I'll let you know how it goes.
On Tue May 17 19:45 , Michael Rasmussen sent:
>Another group of people with a strong concern for sanitizing lines and
>vessels are brewers and home brewers. Beer wort (the liquid yeast
>converts into beer) is very hospitable to microorganisms. Good brewers
>are fanatical about sanitation and cleaning.
>Consider the array of products here:
>Browsing a local home brew supply store will provide you with lots of
>options to get your Westy's water system extremely clean.
>On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 12:08:27PM -0500, Dave Mcneely wrote:
>> Jeff, I personally think that lots of folks are too finicky concerning the camper water tank water. I fill mine only with high quality tap water, rinse it clean periodically, and find no discernible taste other than that of water. For
most VW camper water systems, if there is an off taste, I'd guess it is the lines, not the tank itself. In that case, I guess I'd replace the lines, as biofilm in there might be hard to clean out, whether bleach killed it or not. But the tank
itself? If it did somehow get crud in it, rinsing is easy, and bleach should disinfect nicely.
>> But of course, as a long-time backpacker (long before filters became the norm, and I haven't used one yet), I have ingested lots of iodine (Potable Aqua brand tablets). Off tastes are not a bother to me, I guess. Iodine definitely
tastes. In a pinch, I guess you could use it in your camper tank, but bleach is more practical.
> Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon
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