Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 20:08:17 -0800
Reply-To: Scott Daniel - Turbovans <scottdaniel@TURBOVANS.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Scott Daniel - Turbovans <scottdaniel@TURBOVANS.COM>
Subject: Re: Interesting VW Article on Future Technology The Company May
Use - Hopefully it will reach a new Vanagon Soon
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
Cars like this mean fuel prices will have to be about $100/gal.
Perhaps if all cars on the planet suddenly switched over to that in a year
or two ..
What I think is likely is ..
that Asian countires, India etc ..
will be driving fairly ordinary cars for a while.....they're still working
hard on getting millions of new cars to the masses, and not super high tech
hybird ones too much ..
so lots of fossile fuel will still be burned on the planet for a while...
as they work harder to get more of the juice out of the ground ..
while switch to pure electric cars or very effecient gas/diesel/hybrids ..
I really don't think it's going to get to where
cars are so super effecient they have to charge 25 times as much for a
gallon of gas ..
man ..don't get me started..
the sheer incredible amounts of gas and diesel and JP-4 that are burned
every second on this planet, 24/7 , 365 days a year, planes, trains
and ships ...
there is so much burning going on it's silly ..
and there are still millions of people in Mongolia, or the middle east or
say ....india ..that they now want their car that they never had before.
and 'peak oil' ...remember that from about 10 to 15 yrs ago ?
Now they get it out of previously abondoned oil fields..
and drill deeper and in more odd areas than ever before. And they don't just
drill straight down ..
they drill miles off to the side ...the amount of oil being extracted is
huge and they are still finding
new depositis of it.
I sure wish they'd stop all that burninf of fossible fuel though.
Heck ..just commuting is a shame.
and Toll Booths ! ..what a collasal waste of fuel and time ...while the toll
takers stand there breating it ..
though I imagine they a fresh air source in some toll taker's booths ..and
they're switching to electroinic toll taking, no stopping. I knew commuting
all at the same time was stupid when I was 6.
Pure dyfunctionality.
and if it ever does get to where the whole planet is screwed becuase they
are still stuck some in the 'age of oil' ....and there isn't enough around
anymore ..
they're gonna look back and see that many many decades worth of oil was just
squandered and wasted.
a few problems..
one is infrastructure ...there isn't a vast distribution system. It would
take years to build it.
Making it is ...........can be problimatic or environmentally difficult
....wik it.
and then there's storage on the vehcile..
high pressure tanks .....just far more demanding there.
I beleive I read there are hydrogen fuel stations for cars in Japan
...maybe it was 20 in the Tokyo area ...
and a few in Los Angeles ..and some fuel cell cars in both of those places.
The real price of a feul cell car currently is about $ 100K ..something
like that, perhaps more even.
I think it's getting 'that much' hydrogen is one of the main problems
too...if it was really depended on for mass use in transportation.
Drive less for one thing.
and ...'the car' is not really BAD..
it's how THE CAR IS USED.
In the southern oregon city I live near ..
a common person , almost, drives a giant pick up truck as a single person
'car.' Nothing in it either ..
it's like it's a life style statment ..who cares if it's 15 mpg max.
so if most people drove medium size cars ..
say Honda Accord size before they made it 'fat' ( just like Subaru made
there near perfect size and selling Outback 'fat' last year ) ....
if everyone drove that size car ....normal people , not familes of 9 ...but
that size car, used intellegently, and not spending hours in traffic ..the
'car problem' ...emissions, accidents, congestion, and fuel consumption
could be easily reduced by half.
and ..I'd like to see this.,
Thought of this over 10 years ago ...each car has a large digital readout on
the back that says how many gallons it burned this month.
and near the end of the month you go ' wow...look at that guy ...he's only
on his 7th gallon this month.
And then ....Oh crap ..look at that person in their giant oversize rig and
too-much-driving habits ...they're on their 70th gallon this month.'
But and the way many americans are ..they'd strive for the bigger number
..many think it is their right to use up all the energy their income will
pay for. We do use 1/4 of the worlds energy.......something like that, and
we are 1/2th of the population .. But that's shifting gradually as people
wake up to the new financial reality and conditions I ..I sure hope !
And don't even think about places like Lagos Nigeria where the country
exports billions in oil yet most of the nation is in total poverty.
Somethin' aint right there.
And mass transist no no ....always needs to be subsidized at great
government expense..
isn't as safe as being in your own well-driven car ....and isn't door to
door. Just use appropiately sized cars intellegently. Shouldn't be that
hard really. Before long our gov will privatize with china being the
vendor ...and they'll just send each citizen money and vids to watch . And
we won't burn so much fuel needlessly.
just use it wisely is all I say.
----- Original Message -----
From: "robby kilborn" <robbykilborn@GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: Interesting VW Article on Future Technology The Company May
Use - Hopefully it will reach a new Vanagon Soon
> Cars like this mean fuel prices will have to be about $100/gal.
> What about Hydrogen? Anybody else running hydrogen on their van? Who is
> getting good mileage these days? What are you doing to get it?
> On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Robert Stewart
> <>wrote:
>> Here's an article on the XL1 Concept Car that reaches some insane MPG's.
>> Thought you all might be interested.
>> Rob
>> NY