Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 20:55:58 -0700
Reply-To: Jeff <vw.doka@GMAIL.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Jeff <vw.doka@GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Strange place for an identification plate on 91 Vanagon.
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I concur... ;-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Vanagon Mailing List [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2010 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: Strange place for an identification plate on 91 Vanagon.
david, i dont want to poop on your parade, but i dont know what else to tell
ya. EVERY vanagon westfalia sold in the USA had a metallic sticker on the
right front door with the VIN and westfalia-werke serial number on it. if
yours doesnt have a sticker there its because SOMEONE PEELED IT OFF OR
PAINTED OVER IT. its a friggin sticker, it can be peeled off.. just take
my (and everyone else here on the list) word for it..ok? , this is kinda
like you telling us all that your '91 westy came from the factory with
chrome hubcaps. it didnt. just because your '91 westy is missing the RF
door sticker and has chrome hubcaps, doesnt mean it came that way from the
factory, no matter what your PO made you believe..
all waterboxer vanagons also had the white paper sticker under the left side
of the dash under the fuse box..thats not the one were talking about here
and no, im not in a bad mood nor am i cranky...i just ate some wasabi and i
have some killer heartburn LOL
-----Original Message-----
To: vanagon@GERRY.VANAGON.COM; jordanvw@AOL.COM
Sent: Sun, Apr 18, 2010 12:42 pm
Subject: Re: [VANAGON] Strange place for an identification plate on 91
---- jordanvw@AOL.COM wrote:
theyre ALL on the outide of the RF door on westys.<
Hmmmm ........ .
I'm looking at page 151 of my _Vanagon/Transporter Volkswagen Owner's
hat came with my '91 Volkswagen Vanagon GL Campmobile. There is a
f "The Vehicle Identification Label." It looks very much like the one that
revor gave a link to in his query, except mine appears to be paper without a
etalized surface. I quote from my book:
"The Vehicle Identification Label is located on the left side under the
ashboard. The label contains the following information:
1. Production control no.
. Vehicle identification no.
. Type code number
. Type designation
. Engine and transmission code letter
. Paint no./interior
. Optional equipmennt nos.
Vehicle data 2 to 7 are also found in your Maintenance booklet."
My label, located as described, contains all that information, in the order
isted and as shown on the photograph in the manual.
On page 2 of the same manual, there is this statement: _ "Your Owner's
pplies to all Vanagon/Transporter models currently sold in the USA and
anada."_ Again, the manual says, __"all"__.
I also have a _Camper/Multivan Supplement to Volkswagen Owner's Manual_.
econd book, which describes all the camper equipment in detail, makes no
ention anywhere concerning any vehicle identification label.
I can only go by the data available to me from examining my camper and the
ocumentation provided to me by Volkswagen through the medium of the manuals,
ut it looks to me like the identification label described by Trevor for his
amper as being on the outside of the right-side door is, so far as my
s concerned, under the dash below the fuse box, where I've seen it and where
he owner's manual states that it is. There is no physical evidence nor is
here any documentation of such a label being on the outside of any door. I
ccept that Trevor's case is related to his vehicle being sold in Japan, and
n the U.S.
What trevor said was that the sticker (plate) is on the _outside_ of the
assenger door. I don't think he said (or implied) that the sticker itself
> nything out of the ordinary, just its placement. DMc
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Mcneely <mcneely4@COX.NET>
Sent: Sat, Apr 17, 2010 2:19 pm
Subject: Re: Strange place for an identification plate on 91 Vanagon.
---- Richard Golen <rgolen@HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
That plate, actually a metalic sticker, is found on every Vanagon
t is the factory serial plate.
> Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 10:53:44 -0600
> From: gneiss9@GMAIL.COM
> Subject: Strange place for an identification plate on 91 Vanagon.
What trevor said was that the sticker (plate) is on the _outside_ of the
assenger door. I don't think he said (or implied) that the sticker itself
> nything out of the ordinary, just its placement. DMc
> > My vanagon has it's Identification Plate on the outside of the
> passenger door. I know this is not common but am wondering if anyone
> else has seen this before? My Van spent most of it's life in Japan,
> (imported only a year ago into N.America) and can only assume that
> this is a regulation in Japan for foreign vehicles!?!
> action=view¤t=DSCN6607.jpg
> Trevor Reynolds
> '91 GL 2Wheel drive, AT, Westy "SEN".
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avid McNeely
avid McNeely