Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 23:17:25 -0800
Reply-To: Jake de Villiers <crescentbeachguitar@GMAIL.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Jake de Villiers <crescentbeachguitar@GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Measurement help, data points
In-Reply-To: <>
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Jim, you're a kook! An interesting, intelligent, curious kook but...
I'll try to measure my vans on Sunday - I'm working the 24th and 26th and
you know what's happening on the 25th!
You don't care that they have wildly different tire sizes?
Merry Christmas, Jake
On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 9:37 PM, Jim Akiba <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was hoping to enlist the help of the list to collect some
> measurement data. If you're game, grab a tape maesure(which is
> intentionally mispelled for you west coast/pacific NW crowd since
> that's how you guys seem to pronounce it) and head to your van! Make
> sure it's pahked(how we pronounce it) on relatively level or even
> ground.
> I need help with:
> 1) Drivers and Passengers side wheel arch measurement (from ground to
> the bottom-most edge of the middle of the wheel arch)
> 2) Lowest point (ground to the absolute lowest point, and it's name,
> ie "skid plate" or "oil pan")
> 3) Year, Model specifics(carat, syncro, westy, etc etc)
> 4) Additional specifics (conversion? stock wbx? what kind, displacement,
> etc)
> I don't need to know wheel/tire sizes etc.
> Why should you help?
> 1) You like vanagons so you're generally a helpful person, and may
> believe in Karma, since without it you'd have likely died roadside
> long ago
> 2) I am going to randomly send 2 participants Bostig T-shirts on Jan
> 15th(which have the witchdoctor vanagon on the back, and he's cool)
> 3) You're bored, and it's quick/easy
> 4) I need to know where we actually stand with regard to ground
> clearance for advertising purposes <---- super secret core reason for
> the post
> Send your listdatapoints to:
> and thank you in advance for the help!
> Moderators, if I'm doing anything nokay let me know... or just go
> samba-style and start deleting all threads that I've ever participated
> in because clearly they are all malicious hard-selling and I've never
> bought any banners.
> Happy holidays everyone, and thanks in advance,
> Jim Akiba
1984 Vanagon GL
1986 Westy Weekender "Dixie"
Crescent Beach, BC