Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 08:27:25 -0500
Reply-To: Jim Felder <jim.felder@GMAIL.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Jim Felder <jim.felder@GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Goopy stuff on dish drainer
In-Reply-To: <22071235.393.1256044149731.JavaMail.mcneely4@>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Frank Condelli once had the Italian-made chrome plated "stars" that
solve the problem very well. I keep two of them in the overhead rack.
On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 8:09 AM, Dave Mcneely <> wrote:
> someone advertised on this list some time back (or was it on Samba?),
> offering a set of trivet-like devices that fit in the too-large opening
> in the grill over the burners. Pictures looked like perfect fit. By
> the time I responded, all gone. Think they were made in Italy. Never
> found the source, myself, and the poster did not actually know. Think
> he said his brother brought a bunch back from a trip. Yes, the grill is
> a bit mis-sized, so that small pots don't fit. We've worked it out,
> sort of, but would like to find some way to cover the space. Oh, just
> realized, what I need is a sheet of cast iron that will cover them.
> Now, where is there 1/8" sheet cast iron? Even steel, even if thinner,
> would work, though it would eventually warp, likely. Aluminum might
> burn. At least an aluminum pot I tried to use as an oven once did.
> Dave Mc
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Don Hanson wrote:
>>> If one has melted bumpers, the best KISS solution I've read of, is a
>>> dish towel or two between the Rattle-Pan and lid.
>>> Or just remove it and send if free of charge to some deserving
>>> Canuck. ;)
>>> Neil.
>>> --
>>> Neil Nicholson '81 VanaJetta 2.0 "Jaco"
>> Even with the bumpers intact, the stove rattles in my van until I
>> discovered that storing my dish sponge between the burner grates and
>> the SS
>> drip tray dish dry cutting board counter top.. stops the rattles..
>> I'd still like to find some cheap-o ready-made solution to those
>> diabolical "Spillmeister" burner grill thingies..What a dumb set of
>> stove
>> top grills..Just exactly wrong for many coffee pots and small pans..
>> Don Hanson