Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 09:31:45 -0500
Reply-To: John Rodgers <inua@CHARTER.NET>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: John Rodgers <inua@CHARTER.NET>
Subject: [Frydaye NVC] I'm on a mission
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
to stamp out HFCS - high fructose corn syrup.
Here's the deal.
I'm a diabetic, Type II - in good control with diet, have been for a
number of years. I'm a member of a very unglamorus epidemic that is
growing world wide. When diagnosed, I set out to learn as much as I
could about this metabolic disorder. I am appalled at what I have
learned. I could write books on the subject now -but knew nothing in the
beginning. Diabetes is NOTHING like what I thought in the beginning. For
Type II's, it is very much a part of a mixed bag of disorders called
metabolic syndrome. And therein lies a hook.
Not to belabor the point, but to get to the point - dietary factors play
a large influence, and one is the use of and high consumption of HFCS.
It is in virtually every processed food product - fruit drinks, sodas,
yogurt, ice cream, processed sandwich meats, cereals, etc, etc, etc. And
it is poison!! It screws with your metabolism big time. Oh, it's very
subtle, does it's dastardly work slowly - like arsenic. Then one day you
wake up and find that your own body will not accept your own insulin so
your cells can feed on the glucose it uses as energy.. Your cells begin
to starve, so they turn to your stored body fat for energy producing
ketone's that damage your kidneys, your damaged kidneys now cannot
process your blood properly and your blood pressure begins to rise out
of sight, and because your blood glucose has no place to go and is so
high it starts dumping out through your kidneys, and because you are
dumping glucose - a type of sugar - out of your body where it has no
business being, yeast infections begin to take hold and abound, you
begin to develop fatty liver disease which leads to cirrhosis of the
liver and eventual liver failure, etc, etc. Part and parcel of all this
is diet - and what is in the diet. And processed foods, and food
additives like HFCS are a big part of the problem. . So, to get some
insight to protect your self - get rid of anything that says HFCS - high
fructose corn syrup - on the label. Protect yourself, your family, your
Here is a link to a short article that elucidates the problem pretty
clearly in just a couple of short paragraphs. Read and be enlightened.
Fructose-Sweetened Drinks Up Metabolic Syndrome Risk
I wish the best for you all - avoid this HFCS stuff like the plague it
is! It is not found in nature, and is a highly processed, manufactured
sweetener ten times sweeter than sugar - and it hooks you.
*Please keep reply's off list.*
John Rodgers
88 GL Driver