Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:25:50 -0600
Reply-To: John Rodgers <inua@CHARTER.NET>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: John Rodgers <inua@CHARTER.NET>
Subject: Re: Vanagon List Moderator
In-Reply-To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
I think having a moderator to be an appropriate thing. Provided the
moderator is moderate.
To loose and things go one way, to tight and things go another. Neither
case in the extreme is good for the List.A moderator must maintain the
middle ground.
This list is kind of like a free wheel rolling down the road - as it
rolls along there are bumps and bounces and because of such it tends to
drift off the track periodically. The moderator needs to be there
running along side with a big stick to give the wheel a hard whack to
get it back tracking true again. That works.
I am a member of another List group with a population of about 8000
worldwide - mostly in the US and Canada. Our discussions ebb and flow,
but when it has gone far enough or long enough, our moderator calls the
game. He sends a message to all saying "this thread is over", And that
is that. In the ten years I have been on this other list, only three
people that I know of ever got sanctioned, and in one case, after being
"Moderated" off the list by the moderator, he was re-admitted after
great hue and cry from the member ship. They liked having a cantankerous
curmudgeon on board and opposed the moderators decision. It was,
however, only the one case where this happened. The rest of the time -
the Moderator ruled!!! Period. His word was the law.
Keeping Fryeday Follies is a good thing - but I for one would not
restrict it - just let it flow. But at the witching hour the rules
switch back.
I like the e-mail format and would hate to see it moved to a forum
format. due to the nature of the list.
I think the use of [NVC] to be appropriate to identify off topic stuff.
Then let the people decide to read or not to read.
Thanks Ben, for making the offer.
John Rodgers
88 GL Driver.
BenT Syncro wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 6:01 PM, Michael Sullivan <>wrote:
>> Sorry to post this comment as I am a proponent of free speech, BUT it seems
>> that there are no restraints to this list lately in regards to off-topic
>> posts and continuation of said posts after Fryday. I feel like my delete
>> key
>> is getting worn out. I know that I have had a couple of previous off-topic
>> posts, but this is getting ridiculous. All off-topic posts should be
>> pmailed or chat!. Nothing else positive to say. Sincerely,
>> BTW-Little closing quotes are reallllly annoying.
>> --
>> Michael in San Antonio
>> 91GL AT 'Gringo'
> I volunteered to try my hand as List moderator. Like many folks' keyboards,
> the recent rash of unbriddled off-topic discussions was been wearing out my
> delete key. I believe that in order for the List to continue to survive as a
> true community, some sort of moderation needs to be put in effect.
> Otherwise, I suspect the greater portion of the membership will resort to
> lurking if not dropping their membership altogether. That would be an
> excusable shame.
> Jim said I should bring this up to the List in general. I don't know how one
> could count votes. Besides, most folks probably will not likely participate
> in the process. As far as I can recall, the choice for moderator has always
> been decided by the people with the hardware (for the listserver). Now it's
> apparently a totally different deal. Jim was able to moderate remotely. The
> equipment is still at TomC's place and I think there is still some
> connection to Coyote's site.
> Anyway, please share our thoughts about this. Pmail if necessary.
> BenT
> (flame suit on)