Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2009 08:26:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mark A Kippert <vanagon@KIPPERT.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Mark A Kippert <vanagon@KIPPERT.COM>
Subject: Re: A 2009 Heads Up
In-Reply-To: <929EBDF8A9B747D08E700802DEB3BBD3@cspfr2>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
I think Doug's "bad feeling in his gut" is simply buyers remorse.
I read through the GoWesty ad (which has been updated, changing Zoltan
to "seller"). After it's all said and done, the only thing they state
is wrong is "what appears to be cosmetically rusty seems." (shouldn't
it read seams?). "Appears to be"... implies that they are not sure.
Everything else is confirmed to be in good order.
So anyway Doug has been checking out high dollar Syncros at GoWesty.
However on an impulse he buys a Syncro he finds advertised for $31.5K.
While driving directly to GoWesty he has a chance to look more closely
at the van. he has a "bad feeling in his gut". Why? Because of "what
appears to be cosmetically rusty seems." or because it doesn't have
all the cool stuff found on a GoWesty model.
Anyhow, GoWesty looks over the van and, finds (according to the ad)
everything in good working order, right down to the solid fuel pump
brackets, BUT, because of "what appears to be cosmetically rusty
seems." (sic) confirms his "bad feelings".
GoWesty tells him it's only worthy $23K. Doug has GoWesty sell the
Syncro at an $8500 loss (because of the "rusty seems"), then turns
around and drops almost $98K on a GoWesty model with all the bells &
whistles. Plus it's white!
As near as I can tell, Doug has more money than sense. After buying
what sounds like an excellent Syncro, the "bad gut feeling" probably
comes from the fact that it doesn't have the additional $70k of stuff
that a GoWesty model would have, which he ultimately buys.
I my opinion he's just suffering buyers remorse because he didn't get
the toy he wanted! To rationalize the purchase they need a good
reason, hence, blame the seller!
-Mark K
On Jan 1, 2009, at 12:33 PM, B Feddish wrote:
> Let me see if I get this story straight. Doug buys a van from Zoltan
> without
> really looking at it. He then drives it down to GoWesty to sell and
> takes a
> $9K loss. What am I missing here? What was the point of Doug buying
> this
> van? Was his plan to turn around and sell it for a profit to
> GoWesty? Then
> GoWesty says the van is only worth $23K? By who's price guide? Oh
> yeah,
> GoWesty's. Then GoWesty says it will sell it for $23K plus 6% but oh
> wait,
> yeah, I can't really it buy it from them for $24,380 now can I?
> Nope, gotta
> add the $50K in extras.
> Poor poor Doug.
> Bryan