Date: Sat, 24 May 2008 18:46:21 -0700
Reply-To: Scott Foss - Shazam <scottdaniel@TURBOVANS.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Scott Foss - Shazam <scottdaniel@TURBOVANS.COM>
Subject: Re: Snake Oil or Legit?
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Well, I have long said that a system is missing from diesel
an electrical ignitioni source ! ( not counting the glow plugs ) .
Shame an engine has to get buy with just 'compression that depends on
engine condtion' and cmpressing the air in the cylinder until it's hot
enough so that when fuel is spayed into that hot air, it ignites.
AND, much depends on the conditioni of the engine itself.
in a spark ingnitioin engien the engine can be half worn out and things
are fine, fuel ingition happens because there is a nice system there
just for that purpose - i.e ............the 'spark plugs' ( whatever
those are )
The type of diesel fuel addtive that i recomend............and i say you
MUST use a fuel additive in pump diesel fuel..........
I say get the one that says 'rfeducs smoking, improves power, and
improves combustion."
I can very, very clearly tell when a VW diesel engien in a vanagon does
not have an adidtive in it - the combustion is less smooth.
pesonally...........i recognize rough/broad 3 catagoesi of diesel fuel
addtives -
the reduces smoking improves power kind.
the cetain improver kind,
and the anti-gel kind.........( and by golly, I'll have to add that onto
the list of about 16 disadvantages of diesels..........and I have
exactly FOUR advantages i can think of about them -
those would be
1. better fuel millage than gasoline
2. further range for a given size fuel tank
3. ability to run alternative fuels like bio and veggie or even cooking
oil ( granted, a BIG one there ! .......i do own 3 diesel engines )
4. less fire danger - also a biggie, especially in boats.
all the rest of the 'features' ...............all downsides.
if anyone can think of another advantage to diesels, please do say !
And personally..........
I go for the 'reduces smoking, improves power, improves combustion' type
Here's one I'm waiting to try - bought it at a bulk fuel and oil
supplier place :
Brand is 'Penray'.
says 'Year round, Fuel Prep, diesel fuel conditioner."
Keeps Engines running smooth. Biodiesel and ULSD compliant. treats up
to 50 gallons.
on the back of the bottle in fine print is says :
Increases mileage. Improves Cetane ( but...........THANK YOU to whomever
posted the link - it says there, a higher cetane than a engine needs or
is designed for is not a good thing )
'Eliminates and controls Bactgerial & fungal growth in diesel fuel"
'Prevents plugging of injectors, filters and lines"
'Eliminates tank/fuel system corrosion"
"Reduces NOx"
MUST be good stuff !
Roger Whittaker wrote:
> to those considering this
> looks like repackaged cetane additive ...
> which is always a good thing to add to the low sulfur fuel ... but ...
> then arent we bucking the lower emission trend ...
> (my dog is named toto not kyoto ...;o)
> additives of any sort should be researched a little before use ...
> and the need you have for it should be researched the most ...
> why are you wanting this ..
> cold start help ???
> to pass an emissions test with an old tired motor ???
> to give your machine better MPG results ???
> anyway ...
> i think the bottom line is contained in the middle line
> where it claims to increase cetane in diesel engines
> Increases cetane in Diesel Engines;
> of course the writer ... meant that it would increase volatility in the
> diesel fuel
> see the information at
> *What is Cetane Number?*
> - *Cetane Number is a measure of the ignition quality of a diesel fuel.* It
> is often mistaken as a measure of fuel quality. Cetane number is actually a
> measure of a fuel's ignition delay. This is the time period between the
> start of injection and start of combustion (ignition) of the fuel. In a
> particular diesel engine, higher cetane fuels will have shorter ignition
> delay periods than lower cetane fuels.
> - *Cetane number should not be considered alone when evaluating diesel
> fuel quality.* API gravity, BTU content, distillation range, sulfur
> content, stability and flash point are also very important. In colder
> weather, cloud point and low temperature filter plugging point may be
> critical factors.
> *Determining Cetane Number*
> - *The optical method for determining cetane number is ASTM test D-613.**
> *This method requires the use of an industry standard test engine
> equipped with accepted instrumentation and operated under specific
> conditions. In this test, the engine compression ratio is varied for the
> test sample and reference fuels of known cetane number to obtain a fixed
> ignition delay. The compression ratio of the sample is bracketed by those of
> two reference fuels. The cetane number of the sample fuel is determined by
> estimating between the two reference fuel points.
> - *Because the ASTM D-613 test* is time consuming and expensive,
> calculated cetane index (ASTM D-976 or D-4737 is often substituted for
> cetane number. The calculated cetane index is derived from the fuel's
> density and boiling range. While useful for estimating the cetane number of
> distillate fuels, this technique can not be applied to fuels containing
> additives that raise cetane number. These additives do not change the fuel
> density or distillation profile, so they do not alter the calculated cetane
> index
> --
> roger w
> There are two kinds of jobs in the world:
> Picking up garbage and telling people things.
> Successful people do both, with the same good attitude. (riw)
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