Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2007 23:06:40 -0500
Reply-To: Christopher Gronski <gronski@GMAIL.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Christopher Gronski <gronski@GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: NVC - On a Personal Note
In-Reply-To: <>
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You have my deepest sympathies Malcolm
Chris Gronski
On Dec 7, 2007 7:35 PM, Malcolm Stebbins <> wrote:
> Please forgive me, but on Fridays we sometimes share personal issues on
> this vanagon list as over
> the many years, we have become like family.
> It is with great sadness, I inform you all that after a 16 month battle
> with cancer, my wife
> Patricia Baker died last Saturday evening at the palliative care unit of
> Halifax's Victoria
> General Hospital. She died peacefully, surrounded by family and friends.
> She was 52!
> As all who knew Pat will understand, she showed great strength of
> character throughout this whole
> ordeal; never angry, never bitter, always accommodating, and always
> thinking of others needs
> before her own. Patricia will be greatly missed by many people.
> Patricia was smart (4.0 GPA for all of her Bachelor's, Master's and
> Doctorate degrees), well
> respected professionally (awarded the Sarah Shorten award by our Canadian
> Assoc. of University
> Teachers), she was 3 year president of our University Faculty Assoc. and a
> published author. She
> was kind, loving, selfless, self-deprecating, and absolutely scrupulous.
> We had one of those rare
> 'soul-mate' or 'kindred spirit' relationships that most people can only
> hope for.
> For this list; Pat took to Westy camping like a duck to water. During our
> 16 years together, she
> was with me through 2 vans: a 1986 French syncro westy that we bought in
> Morocco and drove all
> over Morocco and 3 trips throughout Europe. Then came my 1991 syncro
> westy that we shipped to
> Egypt and, during the year that we were there, drove all over Egypt. As if
> that was not enough, we
> then drove the van from Cairo to Amsterdam; though Jordan, Syria, Turkey,
> Greece, and up through
> Europe, 11 weeks and 10,000 kms. We also made 2 Canadian coast-to-coast
> trips.
> As a visual tribute to Pat, there are a few photos at:
> Some are of Pat & the
> vans.
> I thought long and hard about posting this, and I realized that what I
> really wanted to say is
> that next time your van breaks down, don`t get angry, at least wife is
> THERE to yell at you. :-)
> Malcolm (Halifax, NS)
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