Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 13:34:11 -0400
Reply-To: Dennis Haynes <d23haynes57@HOTMAIL.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Dennis Haynes <d23haynes57@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Need AT final drive seal replacement pointers
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
Just to confirm, is your problem internal or external leakage? If internal
only such as ATF getting into the gear oil I would go for replacing the
governor seal first and making sure both breather vents on top of the
transmission is clear. The governor seal can be done with the tranny in
place and my suggestion is to do it that way. Then you will know if the
problem was that seal or the internal pinion seals. The pinion seals do
require removing the tranny and separating the 2 parts. If these seals are
leaking, then there should be leakage out of the drain hole between the 2
sections. If not, then either there is no leak or the hole is clogged or the
wrong seals were installed.
To do the governor seal, remove the final drive pan and the governor cap and
rotor assembly. Using bushing driver, knock the seal down and into the diff
housing. It will fall out. Then from above, carefully tap the new seal into
place. Make sure you put it in the right direction. Then put the pan and
governor parts back on, fill it up with gear oil and try it.
As for output shaft seals, try to replace them with out disturbing the
bearing carriers. If you must, mark and count the turns carefully as these
are critical adjustments. Both the gear lash and bearing preload is adjusted
with these caps.
>From: Zoran Mladen <zmaninco@YAHOO.COM>
>Reply-To: Zoran Mladen <zmaninco@YAHOO.COM>
>Subject: Re: Need AT final drive seal replacement pointers
>Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 07:44:17 -0700
>I am going to tackle this job this weekend on a friends 88. I am ordering
>the governor seal as well as the pinion seals. I want to be sure I am
>ordering the right ones. Are these part number 089-409-529D and pictured
>in ETKA 7.0 on illustration 5.19.59-00
>Can someone please confirm? These look right but I am surprised by the
>size of them - 38x54x7
>I will also order the o-rings - numbers 25 and 26 on this illustration.
>----- Original Message ----
>From: Dennis Haynes <dhaynes@OPTONLINE.NET>
>Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2006 4:42:13 AM
>Subject: Re: Need AT final drive seal replacement pointers
>Are you sure the problem is through those seals. ATF going into the
>final drive can also be the governor seal. Part # 003-507-125-A. There
>is drain hole to allow oil that gets past one of the seals to drain out
>before getting into the other compartment. If the seal are leaking,
>there should be oil dripping out this hole. It is located just behind
>the ATF pan. Make sure it is not plugged. The OEM seal have raised edges
>on the seal faces so that after they are installed there is space
>between the seals. Get them for the dealer. Removing the bearing housing
>will be needed. There are o-rings that will need to be replaced.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Vanagon Mailing List [] On Behalf
>Of Robert Smythe
>Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 3:27 AM
>Subject: Need AT final drive seal replacement pointers
>Cover me! I'm goin' in!
>I believe I have all the replacement seals and fluid required to perform
>this job, but the bentley manual shows everything clean, disassembled,
>liberally sprinkled with special tools. I am seeking counsel from
>who has done the repair sufficient to keep the ATF out of the gear oil.
>dont like the idea of scrambling to find a machine shop with a press
>open on
>sat/sun. My skill level is somewhere between novice and intermediate. Im
>taking it on because I cant afford the quote I got to do the work. I
>just learn something.
>Specific questions:
>I have 2 of the pinion seals, but do I need to remove the pinion from
>final drive to r&r the seals?
>From the drawing in bently page 39.57 it looks as if the pair of seals
>accessible after the AT is removed, UNLESS they are very tightly bound
>between the cover plate and the oil seal sleeve.
>If I do have to remove the pinion, do I have to check end play and be
>prepared to shim as indicated in bentley? ( I didn't actually buy parts
>cover this)
>I was tentatively planning to remove the ATF cooler from the tranny
>dismounting the AT and let it dangle from the coolant lines to avoid
>bleeding the cooling system. Possible? Dumb idea?
>Any firsthand experience will be greatly appreciated. I promise to make
>of photos and a procedure available, should I succeed. If I fail, my
>specific failure procedure wont be interesting I reckon.
>90 MV AT-wishing I had a 4speed manual
>the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder