Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 10:33:50 -0800
Reply-To: Jeffrey Schwaia <jeff@VANAGONPARTS.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Jeffrey Schwaia <jeff@VANAGONPARTS.COM>
Subject: Re: Oil is Killing our Cars?
In-Reply-To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
No need to get all "FTC" about this... the warranty actually states:
Allison® will only cover repairs in which the transmission had been operated
with TranSynd® or an equivalent fluid which meets the TES-295 specification.
Sorry... no free fluid for you.
-----Original Message-----
From: Vanagon Mailing List [mailto:vanagon@GERRY.VANAGON.COM]On Behalf
Of Mike S
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: Oil is Killing our Cars?
At 11:01 AM 2/23/2007, Dennis Haynes wrote...
>Talk about Castrol marketing, They sell a tranny
>fluid called TransSynd. They have some how
>partnered with Allison so that this is the only
>fluid approved in their transmissions if you
>want the warranty. Amsoil is the only company
>challenging this and offering a fluid they claim
>is equal and they will back it up in case of a
>fluid related failure. It is almost the same
>price so I stick with the TranSynd. I hate
>having my arm twisted though.
That's fine, if they provide free fluid during
the warranty period. Otherwise, the Magnuson-Moss
warranty act kicks in and they must get a waiver
from the FTC. You can search the Federal Register
at I did
a quick search for 'allison AND "federal trade
commission"' for the years 2000-2007 and got no
hits. Looks like you get free fluid!
"No warrantor of a consumer product may condition
his written or implied warranty of such product
on the consumer’s using, in connection with such
product, any article or service (other than
article or service provided without charge under
the terms of the warranty) which is identified by
brand, trade, or corporate name; except that the
prohibition of this subsection may be waived by the Commission if—
(1) the warrantor satisfies the Commission that
the warranted product will function properly only
if the article or service so identified is used
in connection with the warranted product, and
(2) the Commission finds that such a waiver is in the public interest.
The Commission shall identify in the Federal
Register, and permit public comment on, all
applications for waiver of the prohibition of
this subsection, and shall publish in the Federal
Register its disposition of any such application,
including the reasons therefor." - 15CFR2302(c)