Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2006 16:20:33 -0600
Reply-To: Thomas Butler <thomas_butler@MSN.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Thomas Butler <thomas_butler@MSN.COM>
Subject: Re: learning to ride a motorcycle (was RE: Come out of the
closet, all
In-Reply-To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
my own feeling about learning to ride is borrow a bike, find a quiet parking
lot(government lots on Sundays are ususlly the best), get a twelve pack -
absolutely DO NOT wear a helmet(they'll lure you into a false sense of
security and that's what the beer is for) and practice. By the end of the
day you'll be able to negotiate traffic with the best of us.
>From: Sudhir Desai <sudhir.desai@GMAIL.COM>
>Reply-To: Sudhir Desai <sudhir.desai@GMAIL.COM>
>Subject: Re: learning to ride a motorcycle (was RE: Come out of the
> closet, all
>Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2006 14:56:03 -0500
>I guarantee you will have tons of fun; whether it be on a scooter, a
>moped, a cruiser or a crotch-rocket.
>On 12/24/06, Joy Hecht <> wrote:
>>Thanks, everyone who replied to my comment about learning to ride a
>>Following Jeff's suggestion (below), I googled Northern Virginia Community
>>College, found the info about motorcycle safety education, and - yipes! -
>>took the first step! Which was applying to NOVA (as it's called around
>>here). Felt like a very strange thing to do, at age 50, after completing
>>ten years of post-high school education already, having completed an array
>>of advanced degrees, and even having paid off all my student loans more
>>a decade ago. But of course this is completely different!
>>Classes don't start till March, and registration doesn't start till
>>mid-January, and price has risen by 50% since Jeff had the price, but hey,
>>I'm on my way! At least if I don't chicken out by then...
>>Joy Hecht
>>now living in a real house in northern Virginia
>>and Matilda, 1989 Burgundy Vanagon
>>now living in the driveway and resting after two and a half years
>>lugging Joy and her stuff around...
>>For musings about life traveling in the van or living in one place:
>>:::-----Original Message-----
>>:::From: Jeff Stewart []
>>:::Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2006 9:42 AM
>>:::To: Joy Hecht
>>:::Subject: Re: Come out of the closet, all
>>:::Is this what happens after one passes the big five-oh? How hard is it
>>:::learn to ride one, at my age?
>>::: Not hard at all. Take the Motorcycle Safety Foundation class,
>>:::at NOVA, costs $90.00, and they supply the motorcycle. Even though I
>>:::ridden for over 30 years, I took the class 2 years ago. I was so proud
>>:::the fact that at age 46, I scored the top in the class ( a perfect "0"
>>:::the riding skills, you get assessed points for each mistake you make).
>>:::beat out two young guys in their 20's who were both Fairfax county
>>:::The looks on their faces was priceless! Jeff