Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 15:57:57 -0700
Reply-To: Mike Miller <mwmiller@CWNET.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Mike Miller <mwmiller@CWNET.COM>
Subject: Re: bURNINGvaN!
In-Reply-To: <>
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You redeemed yourself with the second paragraph. I was drowning in the first
paragraph, and I don't want to think about what I drowning in!
Mike, BenT and Eldon. Anarchy is too organized!
On 10/2/06 3:06 PM, "Jeffrey Vickers" <jeff@VICKERSDESIGN.COM> wrote:
> What is burNINGVaN?
> Our mission is to produce the annual event known as "Burning Van" and
> to guide, nurture and protect the more permanent community created by
> its culture. Our intention is to generate society that connects each
> individual to his or her creative powers, to participation in
> community, to the larger realm of civic life, and to the even greater
> world of nature that exists beyond society. We believe that the
> experience of Burning Van can produce positive spiritual change in
> the world. To this end, it is equally important that we communicate
> with one another, with the citizens of Sin City (SF) and with the
> community of Burning Van wherever it may arise. Burning Van is
> radically inclusive, and its meaning is potentially accessible to
> anyone. The touchstone of value in our culture will always be
> immediacy: experience before theory, moral relationships before
> politics, survival before services, roles before jobs, embodied
> ritual before symbolism, work before vested interest, participant
> support before sponsorship. Finally, in order to accomplish these
> ends, Burning Van must endure as a self-supporting enterprise that is
> capable of sustaining the lives of those who dedicate themselves to
> its work. From this devotion spring those duties that we owe to one
> another. We will always burn the Van.
> Oh...hang on... that's BurningMAN. BurNINGvAN is mostly old guys with
> nothing better to do on a Saturday night than stand around drinking
> warm beer on a cold beach and talk guessed it...VANAGONS.
> Did I mention my favorite part?: BURNING THE MAGNESIUM ENGINE BLOCK!
> Jeff/ 87 Syncro Westy / MARIN
> On Oct 2, 2006, at 10:36 AM, Automatic digest processor wrote:
>> Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 10:35:50 -0700
>> From: Aristotle Sagan <killer.jupiter@GMAIL.COM>
>> Subject: Re: bURNINGvAN
>> Having been to both I can give this report...
>> bURNINGvAN is just like BurningMan except for a couple of small
>> differences.
>> Like instead of 35,000 people, there are max about 35 people. It's
>> usually
>> cold as hell (cause SF gets real cold at night in the winter after
>> the sun
>> goes down). There are real crazys at one of these events (I won't
>> tell you
>> which one). There are nekkid women at one of these events (nope, I
>> won't
>> tell you that either). And they burn things at one of these events
>> (nah,
>> that's a lie, they burn things at both of these events).
>> They are both a great time and if the Karl Wolzs are going to show up,
>> Caroline and myself will probably make it up to ocean beach too
>> (with or
>> without kids, depending on the weekend).
>> tim in san jose (no running vans but still a vanagoner)