Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 17:07:28 -0400
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: Seized Engine?
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Spoke with MM today
the engine is seized and will have to come out
some background
the engine is 2 years old and had been parked for the winter with some small
local trips this spring
My impression is that the oil is mostly gas and he locked up a main bearing
I have offered to help him and can do so with minimal expense
This may be due to a leaking injector or a rich running condition
If there is a good reason to do at least 2 oil changes a year this is it no
matter the miles
the best times is before its stored and after its pulled from storage
I also believe starting the van over the winter once a week or some such
thing is a big mistake it just washes the oil off the cylinders
one last thought those who run synthetic are less likely to do oil changes
and while I think synthetic is a great lube I don't like that never needs
changing attitude that goes with it
Lots of lessons in this thread
B Bob
----- Original Message -----
From: "MM" <marknyc28@YAHOO.COM>
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:58 AM
Subject: Seized Engine?
> Hi all, I need the lists'expertise on this:
> 1985 Westy 4 speed.
> rebuilt Boston Bob Engine 8,000 miles on it.
> The engine quit on my one day pulling out of a parking
> spot in my neighborhood. After it quit i tried to
> restart, but the starter wouldn't turn over the
> engine.
> I thought since it had been sitting the battery was
> discharged, so i rolled it back into its parking
> spot,where it sat for another month.
> After charging the battery, and still no turn-over, i
> suspected the starter.
> I had other suspicions so i pulled the plugs, and
> tried to turn the pulley by hand to no avail. I did
> manage to turn the water pump pulley and the
> alternator pulley by hand by slacking the belt.
> I cleaned all my contacts to the starter and the
> ground strap still no turn over.
> Finally this morning, i bought a tow rope borrowed a
> friend and his truck to tow the westy out of its spot
> and down the road. I then tried to pop the clutch to
> get it started, but the wheels would just drag down
> the street!
> Is this engine toast???!!! I have faithfully changed
> the oil every 2000 miles..
> What could have mechanically failed that is holding
> the engine from turning?? I know the engine hasn't
> turned more than a quarter turn by the red timing
> marks still on the pulley. HELP....
> I just cant believe that these engines are SO
> fragile.Especially since i installed this one myself..
> Any help would be appreciated.
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