Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 16:28:27 -0700
Reply-To: mark drillock <drillock@EARTHLINK.NET>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: mark drillock <drillock@EARTHLINK.NET>
Subject: List hate mongers be gone!!!
In-Reply-To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
In all the many years of belonging to this list, I have tried to help
all comers. I have helped many members by private email, some came by my
house for hands on help, some were helped at VW gatherings, but most
were helped publicly here. I did not first ask what their political
preferences were, what church they belonged to or avoided, whether they
preferred dogs or cats, what adult beverages or other intoxicants they
found acceptable or not, or........ It seems that now some more recent
members think that other members personal and privately expressed views
are rightly to be used as a basis to determine whether to help them or
not. If that is the kind of list this is now to be, please let me know
so I can henceforth only help those who agree with me about whatever is
most bugging me lately. I would like to think that our common bonds as
people and Vanagon owners were what mattered here most but if that has
changed, let's make the change official. Then maybe we can break up into
smaller lists of people who find enough agreement on totally unrelated
matters to be willing to help each other out. Or, we could just keep
private and non-Vanagon related issues for some other forum, where they
may be actually appropriate. Like we mostly tried to before. There has
been a creeping trend toward tossing political cheap shots into posts
on various topics. This is list misconduct. You can't have it both ways.
Either accept diversity or don't. I prefer to accept it on this list but
to focus on what unites us, VANAGONS!! Sadly, that is becoming ever
harder to do.
> I think it is entirely appropriate for Monte to publicise Robert
> Keezer
> personal broadside.
> If Mr Keezer's bias is such that he can construe Mr Merrick's post as
> part
> of a left-wing conspiracy, then that is a facet of his character that
> we all
> should be aware of, especially in light of his recent crisis.
> I am pretty sure that if Mr Merrick was part of this community at
> that
> time, he would have done the neighbourly thing and helped Mr Keezer out.
>> mr keezer has requested that i apologize to the list for posting
>> private email from him to me.
>> if that was a violation of the list protocol than i am now corrected
>> and will do not do so in the future. this howevver is not an apology.
>> ......