Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 15:22:44 -0500
Reply-To: Stan Wilder <wilden1-1@SBCGLOBAL.NET>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Stan Wilder <wilden1-1@SBCGLOBAL.NET>
Subject: Re: an issue of temperature
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
I've seen a couple of fan configurations on WBX radiator cores that I've
Some have a very nice Audi/VFW fan with multiple speeds. It really puts out
a breeze but it's concentrated in about 30% of the radiator area.
Then there is the two fan configuration that pretty much covers the whole
radiator area and has two each, 2 speed fans that don't seem to blow that
hard but cover about 85% of the radiator area.
I've also seen auxiliary switches that automatically turn the fan on high
speed anytime the idle drops below 1000 rpms (approximate on a micro
If overheating is a cvonstant problem I'd be checking my timing and possibly
go to a lottler hotter spark plug so the engine didn't lug from running too
lean in hot weather.
Stan Wilder
----- Original Message -----
From: "Malcolm Stebbins" <mwstebbins@YAHOO.COM>
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: an issue of temperature
> I disagree with what Gary says here. I believe that there is nothing
wrong with your temp sensor
> or thermostat. I often use the front heater to dump some cold coolant
into the systen when I find
> the engine beginning to 'over heat'. By dumping/adding the cool coolant
into the system, the Temp
> sensor will react to the TEMPORARY reduction in coolanat temperture and so
indicate. This is a
> TEMPORARY situation as if one does not start driving in a way to cool
things off, the coolant temp
> will rise again. I frequently use the cooler heater coolant on hot days
when climbing a long
> steep hill in 3rd, or when in very slow traffic. again its a TEMPORARY
'fix', but one that can be
> used every 30 minutes or so (or when ever the heater coolant cools back
down). If I'm wrong, let
> me know, I've been wrong before. Malcolm
> --- gary hradek <hradek@YAHOO.COM> wrote:
> > This suggest to me that your is defective or you have something else
acting as a
> > thermostat. When you bring the two heaters online you are effectively
doubling your radiator
> > size. This should hold your coolant to the lowest temperature the
thermostat will allow.
> > gary
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