Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 13:29:18 -0700
Reply-To: gary hradek <hradek@YAHOO.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: gary hradek <hradek@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: an issue of temperature
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Given that the thermostat hold the temperature
to a low it can have little effect on the high end of
the range once it is wide open. It can only keep the
van from going too cold when it is functioning right.
If the size of the radiator was huge the van would
be at the lowest possible operating temperature all
the time if the flow to the radiator was good.
If the flow to this huge radiator was restricted
the heat would not be carried away from the engine and
the teperature of the engine would go up.
On a cool day Brian's van heats only to a low speed
setting. On a hotter day it may cycle the high speed
fan on. On the same hot day that Brian's van cycles
on the high speed fan if he now turns on the heater
with both blowers going he should see the van running
at the lowest operating temperature as the coolant
from the heating loops is unregulated coolant that
bypasses the thermostat. On a cool day Brain should
be able to drop the coolant temperature below normal
operating temperature.
My current hypthisis for Brian is that he has a
restriction or air in the sytem. I think that it is
difficult to bleed the vans without the coolant ring
that became the standard in 1986.
regards gary
--- Malcolm Stebbins <> wrote:
> I disagree with what Gary says here. I believe that
> there is nothing wrong with your temp sensor
> or thermostat. I often use the front heater to dump
> some cold coolant into the systen when I find
> the engine beginning to 'over heat'. By
> dumping/adding the cool coolant into the system, the
> Temp
> sensor will react to the TEMPORARY reduction in
> coolanat temperture and so indicate. This is a
> TEMPORARY situation as if one does not start driving
> in a way to cool things off, the coolant temp
> will rise again. I frequently use the cooler heater
> coolant on hot days when climbing a long
> steep hill in 3rd, or when in very slow traffic.
> again its a TEMPORARY 'fix', but one that can be
> used every 30 minutes or so (or when ever the heater
> coolant cools back down). If I'm wrong, let
> me know, I've been wrong before. Malcolm
> --- gary hradek <hradek@YAHOO.COM> wrote:
> > This suggest to me that your is defective or
> you have something else acting as a
> > thermostat. When you bring the two heaters
> online you are effectively doubling your radiator
> > size. This should hold your coolant to the lowest
> temperature the thermostat will allow.
> > gary
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