Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 19:19:38 -0600
Reply-To: tom ring <taring@TARING.ORG>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: tom ring <taring@TARING.ORG>
Organization: Tippen Ringware
Subject: Re: heads up on IE browser flaw
In-Reply-To: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Which is why I mostly browse under linux, and I never trust emails from ebay
and the like. I've sent quite a few notices to fraud at ebay myself. And they
generally do nothing about that stuff, by the way. They really seem not to
give a s***. Especially about frauds perpetrated by their sellers. Ebay is a
good place to buy, but treat it like it's a guy selling from the trunk of his
car and speaking softly and you'll be a lot safer.
On 18 Jan 2004 at 22:05, gary hradek wrote:
> Tom,
> It was the Mozilla broswer that I was using with
> the linux system that showed that the same address to
> for IE was being directed to some website
> in russia but you could not see that with the windows
> IE combination. Same problem occurred with an ebay
> link. What happens is that certain characters in the
> web url are not able to be displayed by IE and any
> characters after that are not displayed but the
> directions are still read by the broswer. Until
> microsoft fixes the problem we all need to be careful
> unless we use an alternative.
> Mistrust all links requesting confidential
> information.
> If there is a hole in microsoft browser I am guessing
> that any broswer could have a problem. It just takes
> a hacker to figure it out. regards gary
> Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 22:05:54 -0600
> From: tom ring <taring@TARING.ORG>
> Subject: Re: heads up on IE browser flaw
> Mistrust Microsoft products. They are the core of the
> problem. And
> there are
> lots of alternatives that are free, and better, and
> faster, and lots
> smaller.
> I make the offer again. Anyone that would like help
> installing a
> non-Microsoft
> browser, i.e. Mozilla, Opera, etc., or a non-Microsoft
> mail client,
> i.e.
> Pegasus, Eudora, etc., please contact me.
> tom
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Tom Ring K0TAR, ex-WA2PHW EN34hx
85 Westphalia GL Albert
96 Jetta GL The Intimidator
"It is better to go into a turn slow, and come out fast, than to go into a turn fast
and come out dead." Stirling Moss