Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 09:30:01 -0700
Reply-To: Robert Keezer <warmerwagen@HOTMAIL.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Robert Keezer <warmerwagen@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Bus Depot's Service, long complaint
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
Hello-Is it turn to comment?
How many times has Bus Depot been dragged through this on the list? If a
listmember has a problem with Bus depot or another vendor, please take it to
them personally.
We of the list are not an acting better business bureau and it's not fair to
make a vendor,any vendor, because he is a member of this list,to have to
constantly defend himself and his business.
How many other VW businesses would stand to be chastised on this list on a
regular basis by unhappy customers?
Are we the members going to settle the dispute for you?
Rarely is there a vendor who is corrupt on this list so get some second
opinions from someone you know on the list before putting Ron or others on
the hotseat -it's enough already .
There is no one you can do business that can guarantee there service or
products will be problem -free 100 %, anymore that your next Vanagon trip
will be without event.
The only thing they can guarantee is your money back .
My two copper-clad aluminum cents-
Robert K
1982 Westfalia
----Original Message Follows----
From: The Bus Depot <vanagon@BUSDEPOT.COM>
Reply-To: The Bus Depot <vanagon@BUSDEPOT.COM>
Subject: Re: Bus Depot's Service, long complaint
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 11:50:10 -0400
> Well I just got a good serving of poor to bad service
> from Ron's business, Ordered a few parts from Bus
> Depot, Order came in nicely, took valve
> guides to the machine shop to have installed, guides
> were ordered as standard, when measured they were
> over-sized. All I am getting is double talk about
> checking everything again just to make sure that
> everything that I have already checked is right.
> everything will be alright,I'm going to send it back
> for a refund and order from someone else that can do
> or ship what I ask for. This was my first try with
> Bus Depot and most likely my last unless I can be
> convinced otherwise
As I have said many times before before, I encourage anyone to email me
personally if they have any issue with the Bus Depot that is not
promptly and satisfactorily resolved through our normal customer
service. How many retailers do you deal with where you have the
president of the company's personal email address and his encouragement
to use it if needed?
The valves you received were labeled as the correct ones on the bag, by
their U.S. distributor of 20 years. In every way that we could possibly
tell, we sent you precisely what you ordered, and on a timely basis.
Are they mislabeled by the the U.S. distributor? Could be. This
wouldn't be the first time that even an established distributor put the
wrong part in the wrong bin. After all they have fallable humans
stocking their shelves, too.
So what do we do to fix it? The lazy thing to do would be to just send
you another set. But if the distributor's inventory is mislabeled as
you say it is, you'd simply get another mislabeled set. The responsible
solution, for YOUR protection, is to ask you to measure what you have,
so that we can compare it to valves from a different supplier, both to
ensure that they are wrong (since the distributor insists that they are
not), and to ensure that the replacement we send is right. This is good,
not bad, customer service.
I truly am sorry if it turns out that the distributor mislabeled the
part (which, while unfortunate, is both rare and completely unforseeable
on my part). But then again their error was an honest mistake. By
comparison, your public griping about it to two mailing lists (without
so much as a p-mail to me first) is an intentional disparagement of my
name. It is not only rude to me, but it wastes the time of 2000 other
people on an issue that really isn't of interest to the list. The next
time a listmember buys a part and his credit card declines, he orders
the wrong part, or otherwise inconveniences us in some way while we're
trying to process his order, should I bitch about him by name to a few
thousand listmembers instead of just emailing him personally? How would
you feel if it were you?
People tend to forget that businesses are made up of people, not
faceless entities. When you disparage the Bus Depot to 2000 people, you
insult me personally, as well as my employees. I wouldn't have done
this to you. In my book, you owe me an apology as well. Otherwise, far
from attempting to "convince you" to keep ordering from me, I would
frankly prefer that you didn't.
I will not discuss this further on-list. My email address is .
- Ron Salmon
The Bus Depot, Inc.
(215) 234-VWVW
Toll-Free for Orders by PART # : 1-866-BUS-DEPOT
1982 Westfalia 1987 Wolfsburg
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