Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 13:19:23 -0500
Reply-To: Jay L Snyder <Jay.L.Snyder@USA.DUPONT.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Jay L Snyder <Jay.L.Snyder@USA.DUPONT.COM>
Subject: Re: AC compressor Gurus needed!!!
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
My grandfather used to use a gutted out lawnmower engine, spark plug
replaced with a cobbled up adapter and belt driven off of an electric
motor. Any small horizontal shaft engine would work. 2-cycle would be
better? I have an old clapped out not-so-Eager Beaver MacCulloch weed
wacker in the garage. It would make a nice small compressor.....
Mike Pedersen <mikeped@SHAW.CA>> on 02/25/2003 12:59:21
Please respond to Mike Pedersen <mikeped@SHAW.CA>
Sent by: Vanagon Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: AC compressor Gurus needed!!!
To get this slightly back on topic, check out this link: Remember, David wanted to know if he could use
AC compressor to air up his tires after going off-highway and to use air
tools to swap his diggers to his road tread. Not to make motorcycle tires
Sure would impress the guys to whip out a hose after being off road to air
up. Not to say that blowing up a tire with a chuffer (spark plug valve)
isn't cool, it's just more McGuyver cool as opposed to James Bond cool...
Original Post.
I am about to install an AC compressor into my Double Cab - funny thing is
there is no AC - it sort of comes with the motor! I am thinking as long as
the electric clutch isn't engaged and I plug the compressor line openings
things should be OK. Then I get thinking to myself - I wonder how good
these are at compressing air??? The plan is to put an expired propane tank
in the 'treasure chest' that is under the bed of the Double Cab. With
I would have the compressor fill it with 125PSI of air so I can do things
like air down my tires and fill them back up again with out a hand pump or
be able to use air tools to remove street tires for off-road tires. Is it
good to compress air with an AC compressor or am I about the screw up the
compressor by doing this?
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