Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 09:42:33 -0500
Reply-To: 80 Westy Pokey <pokey@VANAGON.ORG>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: 80 Westy Pokey <pokey@VANAGON.ORG>
Subject: Re: New to Me vehicles
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
I don't know Stan, I think he has a point. Having just
purchased a NEUSED syncro I am finding a lot of use for this
- For instance, since I have never driven in snow before that
- My syncro is not aircooled which is NEUSED
- The Webasto heater heats with coolant instead of gas like
my BA-6 that is also NEUSED
- The syncro is 4WD as opposed to Pokey's 2WD which is NEUSED
- Having not sold Pokey yet (available in March asking $6,000
CAD / $4,000 US) I have entered the dangerous slipery slope
of multiple van ownership (Stan are you listening) this
double van situation is NEUSED
- The syncro actually has some power which is NEUSED
- The syncro has air conditioning which is NEUSED
Am I using the word right Jerry?
Oh well...
---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 08:13:19 -0600
>From: Stan Wilder <wilden1@JUNO.COM>
>Subject: Re: New to Me vehicles
>I had a reply typed out for you but it would have gotten me
kicked off
>the list.
>How long have you been locked in that cabin alone?
>Stan Wilder
>On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 23:45:38 -0800 Jerry McCavitt
>> OK, I've seen this probably 30 times in the past year; The
>> Vanagon.... obviously, we all know it's not really new,
but we still
>> need to convey the fact that you didn't own this vehicle
two weeks
>> ago. I suggest we adopt the term NEUSED. Comes right
across, without
>> a lot of extraneous typing. "Just picked up my neused van
>> and the heads are leaking....." something like that.
Purchase of a
>> Vanagon entitles the owner to use the term for one month,
>> that, it's your van, period.
>> Or not.
>> Jerry McCavitt
>> '86 Syncro GL 15"
>> ---------------------------------
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