Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 23:23:49 -0500
Reply-To: minor35@JUNO.COM
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Bill Minor <minor35@JUNO.COM>
Subject: Re: new owner of 82 diesel Westy, with a few questions
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
I don't know where you're at but you should first find a list member in
your area with a Westy and take a close look at it.
Next thing would be to call around local wrecking yards and ask if they
have any vanagons.
About everything you need can be found in wrecking yards at reasonable
The sliding board for the top bunk is rather more complicated than just a
board, you need to see one in a Westy.
The Odometer can be fixed by putting the drive gear back into the proper
position on the shaft inside the speedo.
I clean my top with a stiff scrub brush and Dutch Cleanser. If it is
really terrible you can use Wesleys Bleach White and a stiff brush on it.
Beware that the Wesleys will strip your wax off your van where it streaks
inner panel for sliding side door for your door can be from 1980 -1984
the 85 panel is longer.
how does one remove the door panel without .... just pop it off with a
screwdriver around the edges after you remove the handles/ arm rest etc.
Bill M.
On Sun, 21 Jul 2002 20:59:43 -0700 Clay Moore <cwmoore@CWNET.COM> writes:
> howdy all, i was on the list about 6-8 wks ago, and took a break
> until
> today. two days ago
> i finally found a diesel westy worth buying and brought it home.
> so....
> i have a few questions.
> I live in Sacramento.
> (no manuals yet)
> - the blinkers just flash very quickly, not even close to a blink,
> more
> of a flicker.
> pulled the relay and it rattles a little, is this the problem ?
> should i
> just buy a new one , or ?
> all the blinker bulbs light up., do i have to get a relay from a
> dealer
> or is it avalable at regular parts places.
> missing a few items, where is the best place to look for
> replacements.
> due to an attempted theft of the cd player, they destroyed the:
> * cover with graphics for the sliding vent levers, and broke the
> fans
> switch, still works but is just dangling.
> and a plastic ? panel piece that goes from under the dash and
> connects
> the duct between the seats
> to the rear area and heater vents coming from the dash.
> these are gone so i dont know what they look like or the proper
> names.
> * the speedo works but not the odometer, are these on seperate
> cables ?
> inner panel for sliding side door, is messed up and partly missing
> ,,
> is there a pattern or should i just check
> a wrecking yard ?
> my passenger side window is not connected to the crank, its closed,
> how
> does one remove the door panel without
> damaging it., to see if its off the track or what the problem is.
> other wise its pretty clean, with a new engine about 15k miles ago.
> it
> runs nice. the top is very dirty.
> thanks in advance, Clay
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